‘Hale and in good spirits, as best as I could tell. The aunt has been ill, I gather, and Lady Katherine seemed intent on seeing to her needs.’

‘Haven’t they any servants for such tasks?’

‘A maid-of-all-work, and some farmhands,’ said Alden. ‘The farm seems prosperous, but they are hardly wealthy folk.’

‘What did the uncle say about...all of it?’

Alden described the man’s shock the night before. ‘Certainly understandable, under the circumstances. I wonder how the next steps will go. My brother is sure to want Lady Katherine returned to Inverley in short order, no matter what Lady Inverley says.’

‘Do you think Lady Inverley might object?’ James asked, taken aback.

‘You saw how she reacted. I daresay she sees Lady Katherine as a rival to her daughter.’

‘Lady Beatrice is only fourteen!’

‘Yes, but I am told they intended for her to have her debut just after her birthday, which is in a few days. Lady Katherine’s arrival has quite overshadowed all of Lady Inverley’s plans, I fear,’ Alden said.

‘How ridiculous,’ James muttered, but Alden shrugged.

‘Ladies have their own priorities, Thorburn. One cannot impose one’s own concerns over theirs.’

‘Lady Katherine’s existence shan’t harm Lady Beatrice’s chances at a good marriage—’

‘The whole thing is likely to take on the proportions of a scandal, old boy,’ Alden argued. ‘I daresay Lady Inverley is right to be troubled. The timing is not fortuitous for Lady Beatrice.’

James sighed, letting the matter drop. Perhaps Alden had a point, but he could not bring himself to care. Let the Inverleys hold off on Lady Beatrice’s debut until next year, if Lady Katherine’s story would cause such a sensation. The girl was young to be out in any case.

‘Now, if Lady Katherine were to become betrothed quickly...’ Alden said.

James frowned at him.

‘She mightn’t be a rival for Lady Beatrice any longer,’ Alden continued. ‘And whilst there would inevitably still be a great deal of talk about her origins and upbringing, I believe thetonwould lose interest much more quickly.’

James snorted.

‘Indeed, I suspect there shall be a good deal of speculation as to her fitness to marry, under the circumstances,’ Alden mused. ‘But should a suitor present himself without delay, and claim her hand, well. What would there be to discuss?’

James gave his friend an alarmed look. ‘You cannot be suggesting thatIshould be that suitor?’

Alden raised his eyebrows.

‘Dash it all, Alden, have you given leave of your senses! The very idea,’ James blustered.

‘You like her. Admit it.’

‘Utter fustian nonsense.’

‘I have never in all my life seen you as solicitous of a lady’s needs as you were yesterday with Lady Katherine.’

‘I was only acutely aware of how distressing the entire situation was for all involved.’

Alden grinned. ‘Isthatwhat you’re telling yourself?’

James felt heat rise in his cheeks. ‘You are making baseless assumptions—’

‘Oh come now, Thorburn. You became enamoured of her in the marsh, you must own.’

‘I shall own no such thing,’ James said. ‘I have no interest of a romantic nature in Lady Katherine. She is simply—her situation is unique, and I find it of interest, as I’m sure you must as well, you devilish wretch.’