How odd to have heard it now from several people, and know that it refers to me.

Kate took several deep breaths in an effort to sooth her beating heart.

Fancifully, she hopped that the letter was from Lord Thorburn.

How foolish, Kate. Why would Lord Thorburn write you a letter and tell a rider to deliver it into your hands?

And yet the hope remained. However, as she turned it over, she soon saw that it was not.

It comes to me from Lady Inverley.

Dread washed through her at the realization.

What by heaven has she written to me, I wonder?

She seemed so displeased when she learned of my identity. What might she wish to say to me now? Has she written to chastise me? To threaten me to stay away?

When Kate opened the letter, however, what she read came as a complete surprise.

‘An invitation?’ she breathed. ‘To agarden party?’

Kate stared at the unfolded vellum, unable to believe what she saw, but each time she reread it, it remained the same.

Lady Inverley was inviting her to attend a race at Ascot, in Berkshire, after which there would be a garden party at Inverley.

My new life thus begins,Kate marveled.

There would be no escaping it.

She would now enter a future as the Earl of Inverley’s daughter.

Panic surged through her. Kate was entirely unprepared.

Chapter 9


The Ascot Races represented several days of festivities due to the Prince Regent’s interest in them. As such, throughout Berkshire, other competitions and celebrations were held. Minor horse races abounded, of course, but so did footraces, boat races, cricket games, nine pins competitions, and deceptively friendly challenges to various other physical demonstrations, such as pig-catching, archery, and darts. Ladies judged each other’s prized rabbits, their best pies, and hand crafts. Vendors came from everywhere to sell food and trinkets in Ascot and in the towns all around.

’Twas at a boat race that James now found himself, rowing a small dinghy with his friend, Frederick Alden.

‘Faster, old boy!’ Alden cried as they passed another boat.

James applied himself, although he did not very much enjoy the endeavor.

‘You must come back to Inverley after the horses tomorrow,’ Alden said, referring to the first of the official Ascot races. James had expressed his intention to return to London after watching it. ‘Lady Inverley is throwing a garden party.’

‘Ah,’ said James. ‘Well, you know how much I adore garden parties.’

Alden snorted and said nothing more as he increased the speed of his rowing. They slipped past another pair of racers, and James took a moment to tip his hat to them as they grimaced back.

‘I suppose ’twill make no difference to you to learn that Lady Inverley invited one Lady Katherine Alden to attend?’ Alden said.

Involuntarily, James paused in the rhythm of his rowing. He gave Alden a sharp look and resumed. ‘I have said before, her situation is most intriguing, and anyone would think so.’

Alden nodded, the cords in his neck prominent from the effort of the race. ‘Indeed. Most intriguing.’

James was cross. Alden meant to continue to tease him, no matter what he said.