‘Lord Inverley,’ James said, taking a step closer to Lady Katherine. ‘Hold but a moment. We must not speak in haste.’

Lord Inverley was flushed, his eyes shining, as though he had developed a fever. Indeed, the events of the evening had greatly unsettled him, it was plain to see.

‘Whatever can you mean, Thorburn?’ he barked.

‘Only that Lady Katherine must be distressed by these revelations, as is to be expected,’ James said. ‘Everyone is shocked. Now is not the time to make important decisions.’

Inverley glared at Thorburn. He opened his mouth and then closed it and looked away.

‘Lady Inverley has retired due to the strain,’ Alden pointed out in support of James.

‘Yes,’ James agreed. ‘We must all pause and allow the initial violence of the revelation to subside.’

Inverley glowered but did not argue.

‘I propose that the wisest course of action is to return Lady Katherine to the family she has thought her own since her infancy...for now,’ James said.

Lady Katherine gave him a wide-eyed look, tears spilling down her cheeks.

‘You suggest that we make some pretense of this never happening?’ Inverley demanded tightly.

‘Certainly not!’ James said. ‘I only propose to take the next steps slowly, in a measured fashion. Everything need not change all at once,’ James said.

‘Inverley, ’twould be wise to discuss matters with Lady Inverley, would it not?’ Alden agreed.

Inverley let out an exasperated grunt and turned his back on them, pacing to the window. Everyone waited in silence, and then he faced them again. ‘Very well, I see the wisdom in what you say.’

Lady Katherine sobbed, covering her face with her hands. Alden offered her a handkerchief, which she took wordlessly.

‘But I willnothave any daughter of mine riding across Berkshire and Wiltshire in acart,’ Inverley declared.

‘Fear not, my lord,’ James said. ‘I have my gig. I shall take her back to the Norwood farm myself, if you will allow it.’

Inverley scowled. ‘Alden is her uncle. He may take her.’

It struck James as the best that they could hope for from the disgruntled earl.

‘As you wish, my lord,’ said Alden, then offered Lady Katherine his arm. She took it, still sniffling and dabbing at her eyes with the handkerchief.

James wished it were his handkerchief she held, but a moment later as Alden led her to the door, she stopped and turned, meeting James’s gaze.

‘Thank you, my lord,’ she said softly.

And then she was gone.


‘I beg your pardon, my lord,’ Kate said to the gentleman as he settled himself beside her in the gig—was it Lord Thorburn’s gig, after all? She knew not.

The gentleman gave her an encouraging smile as he took up the reins. ‘Oh, you mustn’t refer to me as “my lord,” Lady Katherine. I am without a title, as the younger brother of the earl. I am Lieutenant Alden, if you please.’

‘Very well, sir. Lieutenant Alden. I thank you for driving me home,’ she said, her voice breaking on the final word. ‘And I apologise for creating such an inconvenience to you.’

‘’Tis no trouble at all,’ Lt. Alden said. ‘I am delighted to have the opportunity to see your home.’

Kate began to cry. Try as she might, she could not stop.

‘Oh dear, that will never do,’ Lt. Alden said, distressed. ‘I’ve only one handkerchief and it shall be soaked if you take on so.’