‘But so late?’

Alden shrugged. ‘I cannot think of any other explanation. Although I suppose it might be a tenant. But why bother with a cart, if so?’

‘No, you’ve the right of it, I’m sure.’

James thought no more of the cart and horse and set his sights on the cup of tea he desired.

When they were only a few dozen paces from the house, however, the cart and horse overtook them, and then he saw something that froze his steps entirely.

‘Itcan’tbe,’ he muttered.

Alden glanced at him. ‘Why, Thorburn, you’ve gone pale as snow. Are you unwell?’

James swallowed and shook his head, his eyes fixed on the bonnet of the girl who rode beside the driver of the cart. She’d gone past now, and he could not see her face.

With a jolt he roused himself, and then began to run.

‘I say, Thorburn!’ Alden cried after him. ‘What on earth has come over you?’

In moments, the cart stopped. James caught up to it. Then he looked up, certain he would not see the face he’d thought he recognized. And yet, he did.

‘How extraordinary,’ he breathed. ‘Miss Norwood.’

Miss Norwood met his eyes then and her own face blanked and her mouth dropped open in surprise. Then she recovered and smiled. ‘Why, Lord Thorburn, what an unexpected pleasure to see you again.’

She made as though to descend and James rallied, hurrying to assist her.

‘Oh, thank you,’ she said.

‘The pleasure is mine,’ he managed.

Only now that the shock was wearing off did he take stock of his own comportment.

By the Devil, am I a damned mooncalf, dazzled by the sight of some chit I met once a week ago?

Irritated with himself, he straightened his shoulders and gave Miss Norwood a nod.

A line creased in her brow as she noticed his change in attitude, but she said nothing.

‘Patrick,’ she said to the driver, an awkward, bony youth, he saw now. ‘Help me with the baskets.’

James took an involuntary step back as he watched Miss Norwood and Patrick unload several baskets from the cart. Theywerehere making a delivery. ’Twas nothing out of the ordinary. And yet something about watching the young ladyworkingquite unsettled him.

Alden had caught up at last, and he peered at James in puzzlement.

‘Ah, I wish you a safe journey home again, Miss Norwood,’ James said, feeling out of sorts, and he hastened away, Alden trailing behind him.

He very much hoped he might have a drink stronger than tea once they reached the drawing room now.


Lord Thorburn! Here!

These were the only words her mind seemed capable of forming, ever since he had taken her hand to help her down from the cart.

Kate struggled to keep her thoughts on the task at hand. ’Twouldn’t do in the least to make a hobble of this last delivery, after all her efforts over the course of the day. But she found it quite impossible to stop marveling at the encounter.

She was grateful, for the first time, of Patrick’s dull presence. At least he hadn’t any interest in conversation. She might attempt to manage her confusion without his adding anything to it.