She trembled, “Yes.”

He nosed under her ear, “Did it stir anything inside you? Did you put yourself in Madeline’s place, to feel all the bliss Nathaniel wreaked on her body? Do you want man’s lips on your body?”

She trembled, so he knew she felt it too. “T’wouldn’t be right for me to say.”

He laughed, “Well, would you wager that by this night, I will have you telling me all the deepest, darkest desires of yours.”

“And if I do not?” Esther asked. “What prize do I receive?”

Arthur laid a last kiss on her neck and set her back on the seat, “Whatever you would want from me, just name it, and you’ll have it.”

A slow smile curved her lips, “I’ll surely take you up on that.”


Vauxhall was unimaginable. Going down the Grand Walk had Esther’s head twisting from side-to-side at the coloured lights peeking through the stately elms. It was dark, but Esther could see that the Gardens' grounds were lush and expansive, and she heard the faint sound of water.

Arthur’s arm was wrapped tightly around her waist and as they walked over the gravelled walk. “The main attractions are held at the Rotunda, but we will might have to go the grounds for the fireworks and the cascade.”

Livered guards were set at the Rotunda's mouth, checking for invitation and permission notes, two of which Arthur produced from under his coat and waited. The grand two-story structure had Esther’s head craning to look at it. It was of white marble, and dozens of coloured globe lamps glowed from the edges of the dome-shaped roof.

The ball had already started, and the orchestra, on the second-floor balcony, played a merry tune. He took her coat and handed them off to a servant, and Esther stood still as his eyes roamed over her, his gaze thick and warm like molasses.

“Stunning,” he murmured while taking her hand and spinning her, “Absolutely stunning.”

He drew her to the floor, and they danced, rather sensually to Esther’s mind, as her chest was pressed fully to his, but she did not complain. With her being that close to him, his expression was the most open that she had ever seen. Happiness was evident on his face, and his smile grew more as they spun and swirled around the room.

After three dances, Esther begged off more while laughing, “My legs are not built for the Scottish jig twice.”

Arthur grinned then, with a whoosh of her skirt, she was in his arms in a bridal hold; Esther squeaked happily while grabbing at his shoulders. He carried her over to a chair and rested her on it.

“How mischievous of you, My Lord,” she laughed. “How is it that I have never seen this side of you before?”

Arthur shrugged, “Never had the freedom to do so. This is Vauxhall, darling; a lot of societal rules are nonsensical here.”

Reaching out, Esther cupped his cheek and smiled when he nuzzled into her palm, “I am so glad I came.”

His gaze was smouldering, and she shivered, “Not as much I am. We are going to enjoy ourselves tonight.”

From dancing at the Rotunda to seated in the Chinese Pavilion, she sat in awe of the tightrope walkers. Between the temple and the fountain, the men walked on a thin rope with lit candles on their heads and, with every pass, added more to their extended arms. Some somersaulted on the rope, and another danced it.

“My poor heart,” Esther murmured while they stood and walked to see the fireworks.

While the throng meandered down a lane, Arthur led somewhere else, up another level to a private room, that had a wall of just glass facing the sky. It was high enough the span of the gardens and the vista she saw was magnificent. He explained that the lord who had paid for the night and the building had permitted him to use the room.

“Arthur?” She asked. “The fireworks?”

“We’ll see them from here,” he said as he nodded to a divan. “I want some private time with you, and the dark walks will not give me the discretion I want.”

His words made shivers run over her skin, “Discretion for what?”

Arthur tugged off his jacket and dropped it over the arm of the couch. He then reached for her and reeled her in like a fish on a line, “For this.”

His burning kiss seared her inside, simmered with intensity, and seduced her immediately. Matching his kiss, she let all her reserves go. Emboldened by the freedom that she suddenly allowed, the love and lust she felt for him to overtake her. She wanted all he would give her that night.

“I want to kiss you,” he murmured against her wet lips.

“But youarekissing me,” Esther said, a bit confused.