“If you had been in the West Indies or the far East, would you want to go back?” Esther asked. “Say India, would you stay?”

“If given a chance to live the life of a royal and ride an elephant like a Maharajah, yes,” Captain Morgan nodded, “I’d like to know what it feels like to be a prince—” he paused to spin her and when she came back his eyes smouldered, “—and you would outshine any princess there.”

Stricken by his daring flirt, it took Esther a long while to reply, “I hardly think I am that…exotic.”

His smile was sly as the music came to a crescendo, “A lady as beautiful as you are is the most exotic of them all. I’ve seen birds with plumes the vibrant colours of the rainbows, and I assure you, none of them can compare to you.”

Her heart did a silly little hiccup at the way he was looking at her; the Captain’s eyes were hooded and enigmatic, but that did not stop the shivers from racing over her skin.

She backed away with a stumbling curtsy. “You are…rather forward, Captain Morgan.”

“Perhaps I have lost my touch,” he looked contrite, “Was any of it charming, I would hope?”

Charming, no, seductive, yes.

Taking his arm, she smiled, “Are you fishing for compliments, My Lord?”

“I’m hoping I have not offended you,” Captain Morgan replied, his expression turning to a touch remorseful, “I’m told that I can be a bit…blunt.”

“I prefer candour than blatant hypocrisy or those who beat around the bush,” Esther said while looking over to see her brother. His back was turned to her, and Esther took the chance to have another moment with Captain Morgan, “Shall we go to the refreshment table?”

Captain Morgan’s brows disappeared into his hairline, but he did not refuse her and only covered her hand with his before moving off to the secluded alcove. “We’re alone.”

“We are,” Esther replied. “I must admit, I wanted to ask about your travels.”

He laughed softly, “Punch, wine or water, My Lady?”

“Water, please,” she murmured.

Not moving her eye from him, Esther admired his precise movements. He filled the glass quickly and handed it to her; when Esther took the glass from him, the brief brush of their skin nearly had her dropping the crystal.

“Thank you,” her lips curved.

He poured himself water, “Is your brother unwelcoming to a man of my statue courting you? A navy captain just returning home?”

The glass stopped at her lips, “I’d be heavily disappointed in him if he were. You risked your life for us to enjoy ours; that is a feat I think anyone would admire.”

His ethereal eyes traced over her face, “Even you?”

Boldly meeting his gaze, Ester replied. “Even I.”

Captain Morgan came closer and stopped a foot away from her, but the sliver of space between them did not matter—for his warm gaze made her feel closer…muchcloser.

“What do you prize in a man, My Lady?”

“I won’t spill my secrets…” Esther said, then hopefully added, “…Not on the first encounter with you, at any rate.”

“Secrets,” he stressed, reaching up to tuck a wayward tendril of her hair behind her left ear, and huskily murmured. “I suppose I will have to call on you again then to find what they are.”

Esther gathered her wits and rested the glass on the table, “I’ve digressed. Have you travelled further than France?”

“Ah, nowIwould be the one spilling my secrets,” Captain Morgan smirked. “You will not be getting them from me so easily either, My Lady.”

Nibbling her bottom lip, Esther asked, “How about we make a trade now; you will tell me if you have travelled farther from France, and I will tell you the number of prime traits I prize in a Lord; agreed?”

“I have travelled further than France, four places to be exact,” Captain Morgan clarified.

“And I have five traits for the ideal Lord,” Esther replied, then pushed her chances, “May I guess where you went?”