John’s lips twisted in displeasure, “That was not the reason, and my broken engagement with Miss Gale is not up for discussion. What is, is your fledging courtship by Captain Morgan. Be prepared for this evening, that’s all.”

He went back to his letters, and after gaping at her brother’s gall, Esther spun on her heel and stormed out. She went to her rooms with anger brewing under her breastbone.

“Ugh!” She exclaimed, “The nerve of that man! Can you believe it, Margaret, he went off to send for the Captain without even telling me first, and you know what was his reasoning? That my jaunts with Arthur would have landed me into a scandal.”

Margaret's lips downturned, “Pardon me for saying this My Lady, but I do agree. It might have ended very wrongly for you.”

Esther knew her maid and brother were right, but the only thing she wanted was some consideration and inclusion in matters that concerned her. Plopping down in a chair near to Margaret, Esther bit back a scowl, “I should tell the Captain to stay away.”

“But you won’t,” Margaret suggested.

Picking at her skirt, Esther shook her head, “No, I won’t.”

Resting her hand on Esther’s, Margaret asked, “Why don’t you look at this as the best thing. Her Grace will know of the man and I am sure Captain Morgan will make a good impression on her.”

“He will,” Esther added, “…I feel so sorry for him, Margaret. After all, he had gone through to come home and suffer again…zounds. That is horrible.”

“I agree,” Margaret said, “At first I had my misgivings, but now that I have a clearer understanding of who he is, my mind has changed. I cannot fathom what it is to have night-terrors about war and death.”

Heaving out a sigh, Esther felt her anger fade while she moved to her wardrobe, “I suppose all I can do is to prepare for the day. Which dresses do you think will suffice, Margaret?”


Seated in the drawing-room with her mother, Eleanor Harewood, and two maids, Esther waited with a nervous flutter of her heart for Arthur to arrive. All morning, she had been as restless as a nomad. Esther knew that she had done nothing wrong when it came to where Arthur was concerned, yet the thought of him meeting her mother filled her with disquieting.

Her mother, who was utterly un-flustered, reached for her teacup with her usual, understated glamour. Caught up in an elegant twist, her mother’s auburn tresses framed her impeccable features, and her emerald promenade dress—which matched vivid eyes Esther saw in her mirror every day—clung fittingly to her willowy figure.

“He is a Navy Captain, you say?” Eleanor asked.

“He is,” Esther replied, nervously, while smoothing her teal dress, “Recently returned from France.”

Settling the cup back in the saucer, Lady Eleanor said, “I see.”

Tense, Esther rubbed her hands together, “Please do not be utterly critical of him, Mother. He is an atypical Lord, and I find that I appreciate it.”

“You were always one to prefer an unorthodox soul,” Eleanor said. “I think I’d love to meet him.”

“To be clear, I did not endeavour myself to hide him from you, Mother,” Esther said. “We were chaperoned, nothing untoward happened and I—”

A knock on the door stopped her words and a maid, came in, apologized, and announced that Captain Morgan was here. After her mother gave the order to send him in, Esther stood nervously and went to stand beside her mother.

Captain Morgan came in, bearing two bouquets, and bowed. “Good afternoon, Your Grace, and Lady Harewood. I am Arthur Morgan. Please accept theses as my gratitude for seeing me, Madam,” he said, as he handed the flowers to them.

“I as well,” Lady Eleanor extended her hand and Arthur took it and kissed the back of her hand. “Please sit.”

Instead of taking his seat immediately, Arthur looked at Esther, “My Lady?”

Flushing, Esther moved to her seat that Arthur had pulled out for her. Seated, she saw admiration flash over her mother’s tranquil face before he took his seat as well. From the corner of her eye, Esther admired Arthur’s dark suit, but this time his waistcoat was a deep blue instead of black. His cravat, though, was black, and the sapphire pin gleamed against the fabric.

“Tea or coffee, Captain Morgan?” Lady Eleanor asked while she gestured for a maid to serve the tea.

“Coffee, please,” Arthur replied while his cup was set before him. “Is His Grace away?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Lady Eleanor said, “He had business to take care with the House of Lords. Are you an acquaintance of his?”

“Not personally,” Arthur replied while reaching for his tea, “I was introduced to him by a mutual friend of ours at Lady Ashford’s ball. That was where I met the stunning Lady Harewood.”

Esther nearly choked in her tea but managed to swallow down her drink. Thankfully, Arthur’s attention was on her mother and her mother’s focus was on him.