He dressed quickly and fixed his cravat with a single sapphire pin. He had enough time to get that rose and get to the Lady’s house in time. After calling the carriage, he boarded and set off to his country home. He hoped that his mother and sister would understand that he did not have time to linger and kept an eye on the time during the journey.

Arriving at the country home at nearly eleven, Felton ordered his carriage-man to linger at the doorway and hurried in. Darting up the stairs, he went to his mother’s drawing-room and found her and Catherine there, drinking tea and nibbling crumpets.

“Felton,” Lady Dorothea stood with delight written over her face. “What an unexpected visit.”

Dropping a kiss on her cheek and embracing Catherine quickly, Felton said, “I cannot stay for too long. Mother, I need another rose.”

Her thin brows darted up, “You do. Hm, for what purpose, I wonder?”

Rolling his eyes, Felton snorted, “No need for the theatrics, Mother. I do not have much time to explain but be assured it is for a good reason. Now, will you please fetch it for me?”

“Fine, fine,” Lady Dorothea wiped her hands and left the room.

Taking her chair, Felton asked, “How are you doing, Catherine? Please, do not tell me that you’re still love-sick over Ayles?”

A strange mix of emotions crossed Catherine’s face, “I was sick with regret and grief for a while; I think I still am somehow, but…” her slim shoulders shrugged, “…c’est la vie,I suppose.”

Reaching over, he grasped her hands, “Don’t fret about it, Catherine; I am sure you’ll see that you are better off without him as a husband. If he is so petty and thoughtless, he does not deserve a lady like you. I told you before if he cannot see how special you are, you do not need him.”

A tremulous smile curved her lips, “I am trying to believe it, Felton, I am. Anyhow, I’m not spending all my attention on him. The nice gentleman who danced with me at the ball, Lord Braemar, visited me yesterday. He’s a sweet man.”

Taken-aback by that revelation, Felton noted to thank Rawden for seeing Catherine. “That wonderful, Catherine. I am happy you’re not wasting your time and attention on Ayles.”

“Well, here you go, Felton,” his mother said as she came in the room with a cut white rose, the base wrapped in a strip of cloth. “If you need more, you’ll have to wait until spring.”

Hopping to his feet, Felton took the rose from her, “Thank you, Mother. I’ll see if I can come by next Sunday for dinner,” shooting a look over his shoulder, he added, “Take care of yourself, Catherine, and tell Hinds, thank you for me.”

With a nod, Felton took the flower and went back to his waiting carriage. “To the Harewood home, my good man.”