A sly look had his eyes lowering, but instead of voicing the emotion dancing in those orbs, he only extended his arm. Walking to the front desk Captain Morgan asked for a Mister Krill.

When the man came with the book, her breath hitched at the title,The Countercharmby the author of Romance of the Pyrenees, a book she knew well. Her hand rested on her chest in profound amazement; how is it that this man knew her so well without knowing her much at all?

“Here it is,” Captain Morgan said, while taking the book, “Is it to your liking?”

“More than,” Esther replied, “I have read its predecessors,Romance of the Pyrenees, andForest of Montalbano. Your judgment, My Lord, is uncanny.”

“Pleased to hear that,” he nodded then turned back to the salesman.

Her eyes dipped to the banknotes he was signing, and her heart nearly plummeted—fifty pounds! Dear lord. That was a fortune to be spent—on her!

Turning away, Esther tried to rationalize with the emotions in her heart but soon found that logic and feelings do not mix. She fiddled with her gloves while Margaret came to her side. “Are you all right, My Lady?”

“No,” Esther replied shortly just before Captain Morgan came back with the book wrapped in paper.

“I think we are finished here,” Captain Morgan, “But if you’re not in a hurry, perhaps two more stops?”

Fixing her hat, Esther said, “I am not in a hurry.”

“Good,” Captain Morgan said while extending his arm.

They walked out to the carriage and he helped her in. For a bereft moment, Esther wished their gloves were not between them as she wanted to feel his touch. After she was seated and Margaret joined, the Captain said, “I’ll only be a moment.”

He strode back into the bookshop while Esther looked at the parcel on her lap. Her gloved fingers traced over the packaging, and she kept quiet. Margaret held her silence as well until the Captain came back with another book wrapped in paper.

Another book? Please do not tell me he had spent another fifty pounds on this one as well.

“Here,” he said graciously, “It’s another novel I think you will like.”

Taking it, Esther smiled, “Thank you, what is the title, if you don’t mind.”

Again, a knowing look came over his feature, “You trusted me with the first; all I ask is that you trust me with this one as well.”

A bit surprised—but dearly titillated by the edge of suspense—Esther nodded. “I certainly will. Where next, My Lord?”