Sarah had to consider the prospect. Yes, if the truth were revealed, there would be a great chance that Patrick would stay in Wales to be close to the father and mother that he never knew. Perhaps he’d also wish to be close to Lord Kelly. If that were Patrick’s choice, then Sarah would indeed stay with him. She wished to always be by his side, and if remaining in Wales was what Patrick chose, then so be it.

“Lisbeth, will you call my lady? I’m quite finished with my bath.”

“Very well,” Lisbeth said, exiting. The lady-in-waiting entered moments later.

“Here we are, then,” she said, carrying a large plush blanket and a wrap.

Sarah was helped out of the bath and then dressed in her travelling attire. A small trunk lay waiting at the door to her chambers. Once she was entirely ready, Sarah walked over to the window to see if the other guests had assembled. To her dismay, she watched as Patrick sped away on his horse.


Patrick departed, knowing that there was one last thing that he must do; he needed to say goodbye to his friends. Patrick had received word that Anders had allowed them to stay on his farm indefinitely, and they were employed to conduct more repairs, as well as helping with things around the house.

How remarkable it was that just weeks before, he and his friends arrived on Anders’ farm, not knowing what the future might hold. They’d hitched a ride, obtained a job, then began a new life. He was quite confident that the men would delight in the recent news, that Patrick was without question a nobleman.

Arriving at the farm, Patrick rode Lucky Stars around to the back, where the men were enjoying their breakfast. Bo clapped his hands together in wonder. “I knew that you’d return,” he said.

Patrick quickly dismounted his horse. “There’s not much time to explain, but I felt the need to keep you ruffians abreast of what has transpired.”

“More has transpired?” Ned asked.

“Indeed.” Patrick approached and seated himself with his men. “A man by the name of Lord Kelly has come to the estate, and his appearance is exactly as my own.”

“Tired and old,” Jimmy said with a laugh.

“Indeed.” Patrick smiled and continued. “As it turns out, there’s a very good chance that Lord Kelly is my long lost brother. The guests at the Duke of Faversham’s estate are making the journey to Wales this very morning to get to the bottom of the matter.”

All the men fell silent as Anders approached with fresh coffee. “You are leaving?” Anders asked.

“Yes. If all of this comes out as true, then I don’t know when I’ll return.”

Bo frowned to himself. “I suppose it’s too early to get a pint before you go.”

“That it is, my friend. But I promise that we’ll enjoy a toast once I return.”

“I wish I could say that I was surprised,” Jimmy said, shaking his head. “There was always something different about you, and this seems quite expected, in a way.”

“I dare say,” Patrick went on, pulling a hand through his hair. “It was odd how easily I won the wager. How easily I assumed the role of Lord Reginald Simmons. I didn’t think much of it until Lord Kelly Spencer arrived, then it got me to thinking about all kinds of things. Why had my mother been so distant? Why were we so different in appearance? All of these things seem to make perfect sense now.”

Bo scratched his chin. “I don’t care who you bloody are; I’m not calling youmy lord.”

“I shall never force you to.”

“Good. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable that would be.”

“Now, gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me,” Patrick said, standing and bowing his head. “I cannot tarry.”

“We wish you the best of luck,” Jimmy replied, standing.

“I thank you.”

“And don’t muck it all up, will you?”

Patrick smiled. “I sincerely believe that I won’t muck it all up.”

Leaving the men at Anders’ farm, Patrick recalled the times when he left his blokes and felt as though he’d lost his family. He no longer felt that way. The orphan’s heart had been plucked from his chest, and for the first time, Patrick indeed felt as though he had a family to return to. Sarah was his family. And with any luck, so were the Spencers.

Returning to the estate, the guests that were venturing to Wales had assembled. Carriages awaited the Crawfords and the duke, but Patrick decided to ride Lucky Stars the entire way. Alighting his horse, Patrick approached the duke and gave him a respectful bow of the head.