Lord Kelly replied instantly. “Henry.”

“A noble name,” Patrick replied.


Was Patrick actually Henry Spencer? With all the recent shifts in identity, Patrick couldn’t wrap his head around yet another. First, he was Patrick Day, then he was Reginald Simmons, and now he was Henry Spencer. Would wonders never cease?

And even more importantly, if all of this proved true, would it increase his chances of receiving Lord John’s blessing as it pertained to his daughter?

Just as he was having these thoughts, Sarah approached. “Patrick,” she said.

Patrick turned to her, softening at the sight of her beauty. “Sarah. You look marvellous.”

She smiled. “Thank you.” Her attention turned to Lord Kelly. “Good evening, My Lord.”

“Good evening, Lady Sarah,” Lord Kelly replied.

Patrick had so much to say that he didn’t know where to begin. “Sarah, would you mind stepping aside?” Patrick asked.

“Of course. What has happened?”

“Allow me to explain.” Patrick led her to the other side of the veranda where they could be quite alone.

“Have you spoken to my father?”

“I’m afraid there hasn’t been any time. Lord Kelly and I began to get to the bottom of things … ”


“Sarah, an explanation is forming that I fear is too incredible to believe. But the only way that we can use this information to our advantage is if it is proven … so that your father might know.”

“Patrick, you’re speaking in riddles. Tell me what’s going on.”

Patrick looked back to Lord Kelly, then turned towards Sarah once more. “I am Lord Kelly’s identical twin brother. I’m sure of it.”

“Oh, Patrick, how can you prove that?”

“I must travel to the Spencer estate and meet his mother and father. If they can give me confirmation, then it turns out that I’m the son of a duke.”

Sarah’s eyes went wide with shock. “How can they prove it?”

“There’s a very likely chance that my mother was in truth the housemaid to Lady Spencer at the time of her childbirth. My mother potentially reported my death before fleeing the estate with me in her arms.”

Sarah brought her hands up to the sides of her cheeks. “Patrick, this is horrible.”

“It is the horrible truth. But Lady Spencer needs to give us confirmation of the housemaid’s appearance so that we might prove it to be true.”

Sarah nodded her head. “I’ll go with you.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“Patrick, I love you. If this is the truth, then I wish to witness it with my own eyes. I’ll invite my father to come, as well.”

“He will refuse.”

“He will not,” Sarah assured him. “He’ll wish to know just as much as you and I.”

Patrick wished for nothing more than to take Sarah in his arms, but it would be impossible in public view. If everything went to plan, there was a very good chance that Henry Spencer would become the husband to Sarah Crawford. Never in his wildest imagination did he dream that such a thing would be even remotely possible.