“And we will fill that page … together.”

Patrick heaved a sigh. How was he so fortunate? To have such a plain and lowly upbringing, and then to win the affections of a woman so extraordinary was unheard of. Still, Patrick had to admit that something in his character had shone through since taking on the disguise of Lord Reginald. There was something deep within him that was rather schooled at assuming an upright bearing. Where this came from was an utter mystery.

A wash of happiness came over Patrick as he thought of his future with Sarah. Maybe she would agree to live on the farm, allow Jimmy, Bo, and Ned to be their workers, and eke out a comfortable living. But the main challenge still lay in Patrick’s path—he’d need Lord John’s consent to proceed. He’d given his word to the Duke of Faversham, and Patrick was the kind of man that kept his word.

“Come,” Patrick said, standing and putting out his hand. “The guests will be returning shortly. We shouldn’t be discovered here.”

Sarah took his hand, and Patrick hoisted her up as though she were light as air.

“And why should we care what they think? You are to be my husband.”

Patrick lifted his brow. “Not just yet.”

Exiting the library, Patrick and Sarah were greeted by the head butler in the hall. “Is there anything I can get for you, My Lord?” the butler asked. From the twinkle in his eyes, Patrick gleaned that the butler knew that he wasn’t a lord of any kind, but he still chose to use the formal address.

“All is well,” Patrick replied. “I shall see this lady up to her room. But once the guests return, will you inform Lord Kelly Spencer that I wish to share a conversation with him?”

The butler bowed his head. “Indeed, My Lord.”

Proceeding down the hall, Sarah turned to Patrick. “I thought that you wished to speak with my father?”

“I do wish to speak with your father, but something tells me that I need to speak with Lord Kelly first. There’s a bit of information missing that could help our situation.”

Sarah knitted her brow. “I suppose that you have a point. You seem to have a plan for everything,” she said humorously.

“When raised an orphan, you wouldn’t believe how resourceful one must be.”

Taking Sarah to her room, Patrick gave her a soft kiss at the door before letting her go. He wished to go inside the room with her, to lay on the bed and hold her again, but to do so would prove perilous. It already required all the will that Patrick had merely to lie next to her the night before. The next time that he lay his head beside her, Patrick vowed to do everything that he desired with her.