“Yes, I’ve known your father since I was a boy … as well as Lord Reginald Simmons.”

At the very mention of the name, Sarah felt goosebumps on her skin.

“You have stepped into a great deal of confusion, Lord Kelly,” Sarah said.

“I must admit to being remarkably confused. I’ve sent word to my father to try to get to the bottom of things.”

Although there were differences, Lord Kelly shared Patrick’s genuineness and sincerity. Sarah trusted him instantly.

“Hopefully, your father will be able to explain. I know that Patrick is terribly confused.”

“Might I ask,” Lord Kelly said, inspecting the hall to make sure no one overheard, “Did everyone believe that he was Lord Reginald?”

Sarah’s lips broke out into a smile. “They did. He was a very accomplished actor.”

“I must say that I’m impressed. He looks nothing like Lord Reginald but exactly like … well … myself.”

Lord Kelly and Sarah shared the smile now, and she knew that once getting to the heart of the matter, Lord Kelly would prove an ally to Patrick.

“If you’ll excuse me,” Sarah said. “I must go and find my sister.”

“Very well.” Lord Kelly bowed his head. “It was a pleasure to have a brief chat.”

“I’m sure there will be more of that to come.”

With that, Sarah continued down the hall and entered the dining room to make sure that Lisbeth was well. Upon stepping into the dining room, all heads turned—every guest knew of the scandal now—but Lisbeth was nowhere to be found. Seeing as she didn’t wish to remain under their scrutiny, Sarah exited the dining room and proceeded to Lisbeth’s room.

Once she arrived, Sarah pushed open the door and discovered Lisbeth seated by the window, looking out at the rain. Lisbeth turned, a weary expression upon her face.

“Lisbeth, what’s the matter? You didn’t go down to tea.”

“I can’t stand the frightful tension any longer,” Lisbeth said, shaking her head.

“It shall be over soon,” Sarah replied as she approached.

“But how can you be certain? Father’s in a terrible mood and will remain so until you agree to marry the duke.”

“Which I most certainly won’t do.”

“Precisely! Then when will this turmoil end?”

Sarah crouched down in front of her sister and heaved a sigh. She could be nothing but honest. “I don’t know, Lisbeth. I simply don’t know.”

Silence followed as Sarah remained crouched on the floor, and Lisbeth turned her attention out the window once more. Within moments, Lisbeth pointed out. “Patrick is coming!”

Sarah got up from the ground and looked out the window. Sure enough, Patrick approached on his horse, being doused by rain. Sarah couldn’t help smiling to herself, recalling what it felt like to sleep beside him the evening before. Yes, even the image of him eliminated any tension that she had been feeling. Patrick put her at ease.

“I shall go down to greet him,” Sarah said, rushing to the door.

“You really are in love,” Lisbeth remarked. Then she said dreamily, “It must be so wonderful.”

“It is.”

Sarah exited the room and ran down the hall, anticipation in her breast. Nothing had been resolved but at least Sarah could encounter the man that she loved, no matter what the future may hold.

Deep in her heart, she sincerely hoped that the future held a wedding between herself and Patrick Day.