“Indeed.” He turned back towards the fire. “I was skeptical at first, naturally. But I can see that you’re a man of sound character.”

“I thank you for saying that.”

There was genuine warmth and affection in the earl’s eyes as he spoke of his daughter. “You are both fine men, and whoever is the victor, I will give my approval.”

Reginald felt a lump in his throat. Surely, if Sarah did choose him—as he wished that she would—the Earl of Benton, and Sarah, would eventually discover who he really was. What would Lord John Crawford think of Patrick Day? No doubt, he’d find him a sound fellow to enjoy a pint with, but nothing more.

“I long for Sarah’s happiness,” Reginald admitted, and it was the truth that was in his heart. “But I’m also of the belief that she holds time within her own hands. There’s no pressure to bring this matter to a sound conclusion by the end of the week.”

Lord John laughed. “Nor do I think she would make any decision that hastily. I’m merely looking ahead to the coming year.”

So, that’s how society worked? Once a girl was of marriageable age, the father tried to unload her in a year. Of course, Lord John wasn’t necessarilyunloadingher, but he had a timeframe. Would Reginald be able to pretend that he was Reginald for an entire year?

Just then, Lord John walked over to where Reginald sat and put out his hand for a gentlemanly shake. “I believe that in most things, we are in agreement.”

“I do, as well.”

“If you’ll excuse me, it’s been a long day.”

With that, Lord John left the parlour, and Reginald was left alone to stare into the fire. He felt a tinge of regret, followed by a wave of sadness as it pertained to Lady Sarah. Despite her father’s kindness and amiability, he was a man with one plan and one plan alone: get Sarah to wed, then most likely, move on to Lisbeth.

Getting up from his seat, Reginald finally left the parlour and made his way to his room, where his personal valet had fallen asleep on a chair. He awoke with a start.

“I do apologize, My Lord.”

“It’s quite all right. The hour is late.”

“May I help with your coat?”

“You may return to your quarters. Leave these matters to me.”

“If you insist, My Lord.”

The valet exited the room with a bow of the head, and Reginald was left to wonder just how suspicious the staff member must be, considering that Reginald only had one set of clothes.


Sarah awoke in what felt like a dream. All she could think of while she slept was the Earl of Buckland. Had the kiss really happened? Would they ever enjoy that delicious feeling again? Sarah found it hard to focus her mind on anything but these questions.

Coming down to breakfast, Sarah was delighted to see that Reginald was already dressed and waiting to be seated at the table. To her dismay, she was placed that morning to the Duke of Faversham’s right, which she assumed was intentional.

“Will you ride again this afternoon?” the duke asked.

“I should very much like to. The countryside is marvellous this time of year.”

The duke’s voice became hushed. “We have secured you a side-saddle. The groomsman will set it on your horse.”

A flush of indignation came over Sarah. “That’s quite all right. I use a traditional saddle in the country.”

“I admire your courage. But sadly, I think that your behaviour needs to be amended.”

Sarah darted a glance at the duke. Not once in their encounters had she sensed anything controlling in his nature. But now, he was putting his foot down and ordering her to amend her riding habits.

“Very well,” Sarah said softly, not wishing to offend the master of the house.

In truth, it had shown her so much about Reginald’s character when he was impressed by her traditional riding. It meant that he accepted her, just the way that she was. The practice of riding traditionally was taught to Sarah as a young girl by a trusted stableman at their townhome in London. She’d only use that skill when riding in the country, but clearly, the Duke of Faversham did not approve.

A wash of disappointment came over her, but Sarah would not show it. She’d ride side-saddle just as she was commanded to do, and she’d do it with a pleasant smile upon her face. She’d play the society lady when she had to.