Sarah brought a hand up to her blushing cheek once more. She turned her face towards the fire, not wanting Reginald to see. If only she knew the utter delight that he took from that blush. Perhaps there was a chance that Sarah’s fondness matched his own.

Oh, but what the devil could he do about it? Both Reginald Simmons and Patrick Day were enamoured, and those two men were housed in the same breast. Tomorrow, when the party was done, he’d return to his former life, and the ball at the Duke of Faversham’s estate would seem like a dream. Seated with Sarah in front of the fire already felt as though it were a dream.

“I’ve greatly enjoyed our conversation this evening,” Sarah said, turning back towards him.

“As have I. More than you know.”

“I wish that you will take the duke up on his offer and attend more of these events, if only so that I have someone to converse with.”

“I’ll consider it.”

Sarah smiled. “I wish that you would.”

“Have you ever been in love?” Reginald was shocked by his own question, and from the look on Sarah’s face, he perceived that she was, as well.

“Why would you ask such a thing?”

Reginald felt his heart quicken. Had he offended her? He’d amend the situation at once. “I ask because I have been in love, and it was a gruesome experience.”

Sarah cocked her head. “In what way?”

“I was a young man. I discovered a girl in town who caught my attention one day in a hat shop. I watched as she tried on various bonnets. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was the one that owned my heart.”

A moment of recognition was written on Sarah’s face, and Reginald feared that he had said too much. Had he fallen in love from the first moment that he saw Sarah in the haberdashery? He thought it was instant fascination at the time, but now he was beginning to wonder if the attraction was more intense at that moment than he previously assumed.

“And what happened? To the lady?”

“I began to court her relentlessly. At first, she showed some interest in the matter but eventually gave her heart to another.”

“That’s dreadful.”

“Indeed.” Reginald peered into the fire. “I’ve quite recovered from the ordeal now, but at the time, I feared that my heart might burst.”

Sarah gazed at him warmly for some moments before replying, “I admit to having never been in love. I hear that heartbreak is quite excruciating, and I want no part in it.”

“It’s good, in the end,” Reginald explained. “Once the heart bursts open, it’s able to carry more love than ever before.”

They gazed into one another’s eyes—a moment of mutual understanding taking hold. What had this woman done to him in such a short amount of time? Was it the excitement and intensity of being in disguise that made his feelings all the more ardent? Reginald was unsure.

“Sarah!” a voice cried out from the hall. “Sarah?”

It was a lady’s voice, and Sarah instantly stood, discovering her sister in the doorway. “Lisbeth? Whatever is the matter?”

“Oh, Sarah.” Lisbeth heaved a sigh. “I was so afraid. I didn’t know where you were. I had the most dreadful nightmare.”

Just then, Lisbeth noticed Reginald and looked at him with confusion written on her face.

“Lisbeth, this is the Earl of Buckland whom you met earlier.”

Lisbeth nodded her head. “Good evening, My Lord.”

“Good evening,” Reginald replied.

“Come, let’s get you back to bed,” Sarah said as she walked towards her sister.

Reginald finally stood, following Sarah to the door. Sarah placed her hands on Lisbeth’s shoulders.

“Ladies, I wish you pleasant sleep and no more nightmares.”

Sarah smiled. “Thank you for your kind words, My Lord. And for the pleasant conversation.”

“It was my pleasure.”

Reginald watched as the sisters departed. The warmth in his breast would not abate.