Chapter 8

To Reginald, Sarah was everything that he’d wished she’d be and so much more. The conversation was light and pleasant; she didn’t seem to be putting on airs, and they were entirely alone, even though the door to the library was still ajar, which meant it was not unseemly that Sarah was without a chaperone.

Reginald had so submerged himself into his role that he truly felt as though he were the Earl of Buckland. He couldn’t tell why it was that his ability to pretend came so effortlessly. He expected that he and Sarah would get along, but what Reginald hadn’t anticipated was the deep longing in his breast. Sarah was not only beautiful; she was also captivating his mind and body.

“You say that you’re something of a recluse,” Sarah went on, placing her Gothic novel in front of her.

“That would be true.”

“But you’re so open and effortless. Why do you stay ensconced in Wales?” Sarah gave a rye smile.

“I only truly feel like myself when I’m alone. With society comes a great deal of pressure—pressure that the Duke of Faversham is already imposing upon me.”

Sarah cocked her head. “Whatever do you mean?”

“He has asked me to postpone my grand tour so that I might enjoy more evenings such as this.”

“And you don’t wish to?”

“No. And neither do you. If you did, I wouldn’t have discovered you sitting alone in the library.”

Sarah’s eyes met his. She searched his gaze, perhaps trying to understand their mutual understanding.

“You make a very sound point.”

“So tell me … ” Reginald leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper. “Why don’t you just remain in the library for the rest of your days? Why do you give in to society?”

“My Lord, you’d be remiss to believe that I have some choice in the matter.”

“You do have a choice.”

“I have a choice once my father passes.” Sarah looked into the embers of the fire. “This is not an event that I want in any way, but once he is no longer the master of the house, I inherit all. I can choose not to marry then, although society would shun me.”

“And that bothers you?”

Again, Sarah’s gaze inspected him. “I … I’m not sure. Like you, I take to society easily. I can endure the conversations and the formal events so that everyone thinks that I enjoy it. I do this on purpose. No one knows that I want to escape it all.”

Reginald felt warmth in his chest. Yes, society didn’t realize how intelligent and thoughtful Sarah truly was. This was perhaps all on purpose. His growing fondness was creating a bit of agitation because there was nothing that Reginald wished for more than to lean in and kiss Sarah.

He tried not to make it look as though he were staring, but Reginald inspected her lips, occasionally glanced at her figure as Sarah looked into the fire, and revelled in her lovely hands, fully gloved. She was a delicate creature, even though her mind expressed otherwise. Sarah effortlessly held society in the palm of her hand, and for one night, so did Reginald.

Sarah picked up her book—Reginald watching her every move. “Do you care to know the story?”

“I do.”

“It’s about a woman that turns into a rosebush under the light of the moon. Every night she’s transformed. There’s one man in particular that she loves, but he’s below her station. The man is heading to war the next morning, and the lady wants nothing more than to … spend one last evening with him. As the sun is setting, she kisses him, trying to have one last touch of intimacy before she turns into a rosebush.”

A smile broke onto Reginald’s lips. “Lady Sarah, do you wish to inform me that you’ll turn into a rosebush this very evening?”

Sarah shared in his laugh. “I suppose that I would have done so by now.” She looked out the window. “The moon has already risen.”

“Then I’m a most fortunate man because I wouldn’t wish to see you turn into a rosebush in the library.”

As the two of them laughed, Reginald noted the twinkle in her eye. Everything about Lady Sarah Crawford was growing in intoxication.

“Do you have a favourite book?” Sarah asked.

“Yes, I do.”