The earl put up a hand. “There’s no need to apologize. I was hoping to escape, myself.”

Sarah looked into the fire. She was never at a loss for words, but at the present moment, she tried to think of something to say.

The earl broke the silence.

“I somehow assumed that you were a bluestocking.”

“I’m afraid that I must read in private.”

Lord Reginald knitted his brow. “Why would that be?”

Sarah felt a flush come to her cheek. She didn’t know why she trusted him with this information. “I have a fascination with Gothic novels.”

Lord Reginald laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“They have the most frightful reputation.” Sarah revealed the book, looking down at the cover.

“I’m of the opinion that no one can judge what others care to read.”

“What do you care to read?” Sarah asked, enjoying the relaxed conversation, particularly when it pertained to books.

“I’m afraid that my own tastes are a cause for judgement. I am fascinated with geography, cartography.”

“That makes perfect sense, considering your interest in travel.”

The earl stepped in closer, and as he did so, Sarah could make out more of his face in the light of the fire. Oh, he was devilishly handsome. Sarah had to look away as he towered over her.

“Yes, I enjoy knowing where things are, learning about places, and particularly, visiting them.”

“You leave tomorrow?”

Lord Reginald cleared his throat. “That’s up for debate.”

“Why is that?”

“Because the Duke of Faversham wishes that I’d stay.”

Sarah smiled to herself. “You were something of a sensation tonight, My Lord. I rarely see the duke take to someone so quickly.”

“It was quite unexpected.” Reginald brought a hand to the back of his neck. “My horse threw a shoe. I needed a place to fix it and was told of Lord Edward’s ball.”

Sarah frowned. There was something suspect about Reginald’s casual nature. Never had one merely walked into another peer’s estate, unbidden, and become such fast friends with the master of the house. Something was amiss, and Sarah couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“So, you’re staying here tonight?”

“The duke has invited me.”

“You won’t regret it. The rooms are well-appointed, I must admit.”

There was a moment of awkward silence as Sarah realized she was entirely alone with the Earl of Buckland. If her father learned of the event, she’d be scolded. But for whatever reason, Sarah felt comfortable in Reginald’s presence and concluded that no one would ever know.

“May I sit?” Reginald asked.

“Of course, My Lord.”

Sarah watched as Reginald got down upon the floor, seating himself with one cocked knee on which he rested his elbow. He was even more handsome in repose, and Sarah’s flush deepened.

“Lady Sarah, what do you like about Gothic novels?” the earl asked.