Chapter 6

Lord Reginald Simmons sat in the Duke of Faversham’s estate’s parlour, smoking a cigar and drinking port. Was this the life that he was meant for? It certainly felt like it. As he continued his rouse, Reginald nearly forgot about Ned, Jimmy, and Bo—all of his former life. The past seemed to disappear, and all that remained was the life of the Earl of Buckland.

“Tell us about Wales, old chap,” one gentleman said, twirling his cigar in his fingers.

“What’s there to tell?” Reginald replied. “It’s a beautiful place to live. I’ve been there my entire life.”

“Wife? Family?”

Reginald shook his head. “I’m afraid not. Just me and my estate, a staff of thirty. It gets rather lonely sometimes.”

The Duke of Faversham said, “I understand the sentiment. I, myself, am in desperate need of a wife.”

“How desperate could you be?” Reginald asked. “Look at your surroundings. Your air of accomplishment. The prospect couldn’t be too difficult.”

The duke stood up and addressed the room. “What you must understand is that, yes, I can have any woman. But I don’t want just any woman. I want a creature that positively walks on air!”

All the men laughed, but Patrick could not. Lord Edward Guilford was going to have a difficult task ahead of him if he wanted a creature that walked upon air. No, Reginald wanted a real, flesh and blood woman, with all her flaws and intricacies.

Reginald asked, “Have you anyone in mind?”

All attention turned to the duke, who scratched his chin. “I have a hankering for Lady Sarah Crawford.”

There was whispering and mumbling in the parlour, and Reginald had to wonder what it signified.

He also felt a sting in his breast as he realized that the duke was drawn to the very creature that he was.

“And what of her makes you so ardent?”

“Her pedigree. Her wit. The way that her waist tapers just so.”

Reginald quipped, “But does she walk on air?”

The duke had to laugh. “I think that she might, but I’m still investigating.”

“I can see the appeal,” Reginald said, trying to veil his own interest. But what the devil was he thinking? He’d only seen the girl a few times. “She’s quite beautiful, and I’d gather, has a well-tutored mind.”

“One of the most educated women I’ve ever met.”

“You don’t say?”

“But I can manage to tame that out of her.”

As the men laughed again, Reginald had an unsettling feeling. It seemed that the Duke of Faversham didn’t want a woman that walked on air; he wanted a wife that looked good to the outside eye and perhaps obeyed his command. This kind of thing was common in society, from what Reginald gathered.

His mother had been a strong woman. She’d raised Reginald on her own and taught him how to read, among other things. That was the kind of woman he desired.

The Duke of Faversham said, “Tell me, sir. Which ladies here—not including Lady Sarah—have caught your eye this evening?”

All attention turned to Reginald. What was he to say? No other lady aside from Lady Sarah had caught his eye. In a sudden moment of invention, Reginald made something up.

“The … the one in the green dress, with the red hair.”

There was a moment’s silence as all the men in the room tried to figure out who that was.

The duke knitted his brow. “Lady Constance Eberly?”

“Yes, that’s the one!”