Patrick was immediately intrigued by the idea. What would be the harm in having a lady fall in love with him? It would be refreshing, considering that all of his days were spent with this rough and tumble lot. To have a lovely, refined lady lend Patrick her affections would make for one delicious evening, indeed.

His thoughts returned to that remarkably beautiful lady that he’d spied in the Millinery section of the shop, the one who would attend the ball. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, and she even glanced his way from time to time. Could a creature that remarkable ever fall in love with him? What’s more, what if she recognized him at the ball and discovered his rouse? No, he’d change his hair, have a clean shave, and act his role. The lady would never suspect a thing.

Once the food arrived, the men heartily ate their sandwiches. Anders had served them eggs and blood pudding for breakfast, but they decided to decline his offer for lunch, preferring to walk into Hamel to secure the clothes.

Patrick sighed to himself. There’d be a great deal of sewing to do, and Patrick was certainly not the right fellow for the task. If only they could hire a cheap seamstress.

Patrick asked, “Ned, do you sew?”

Ned knitted his brow. “Bollocks, why would you ask me that?”

“I’m unsure. I just thought that perhaps— ”

Ned became indignant. “Well, you thought wrong!”

Sod it. Patrick was going to have to figure it out for himself. And if the men were intent upon getting drunk again that evening, as it very much seemed they were, then Patrick would need to undertake the task in a drunken stupor. That could make for one impressive ensemble, in the end.

The meal done, the ale was continuously poured, and the men laughed and caroused. Once more, a person of distinction came to the door, and all the tavern’s patrons turned their heads. Patrick saw at once that it was the Duke of Faversham. Considering that he’d be attending the ball on the following evening, Patrick did as best he could to conceal his face.

As if trying to make Patrick’s task all the more difficult, Bo motioned for the duke to come to greet them at the bar.

“Say there!” Bo waved his hand.

The duke turned to them, no doubt confused that he was being summoned by some ruffians.

Lord Edward Guilford turned to his companion, a man of just as exceptional bearing, then walked towards the men at the bar.

“Good afternoon,” the Duke of Faversham said.

“Good afternoon, Your Grace.” Bo lifted his glass.

“Was there something that you wished to say?”

“There was.” Bo crossed his arms in front of his chest, and Patrick did the best he could to hide behind Jimmy, lest his face be seen before the ball. “My friend Tim Tom here tells me that you have a fancy ball on the horizon.”

The duke nodded his head. “Tomorrow night, yes.”

“So, tell me then; how many lords and ladies will be in attendance?”

The duke smiled placidly. “There will be one hundred guests.”

Bo’s eyes opened wide. “One hundred, you say?”

“That is correct.”

“My word.” Bo brought his hand up to his cheek.

“If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen.” The duke nodded his head once more. “I have a luncheon engagement.”

With that, the Duke of Faversham departed, and Patrick stood in awe. The duke seemed like a rather pleasant man, amiable, and of exceptional breeding. Patrick was taking note of all these qualities so that he might emulate them. He was confident he could do it.

Jimmy clapped his back. “You got your work cut out for you, old friend.”

“I’m up for the task.”

Once more, his thoughts returned to the lady in the shop. There was something about ladies of such refinement that Patrick found intoxicating and terrifying all at once. He wished to have a conversation with her at the ball, and he was sure that he could keep up in the discussion of intellectual matters. Patrick was probably just as well read as the rest of the guests. But if someone asked Patrick to dance, that’s where he’d run into a bit of trouble.

He knew some country dances. His late mother taught him a few. But Patrick wasn’t sure if the Duke of Faversham preferred country dances or not. Patrick would need to remain on his toes the entire evening, a prospect that was beginning to sound more and more exciting.