“He certainly has a peculiar way of showing it.”

“He wishes for you to be well cared for.”

Reginald still had that intent look in his eyes, and it made Sarah’s heart melt. Why was he so interested in her? Why did he make her feel at ease and, yes, well cared for? Sarah considered that she’d never met anyone quite like Lord Reginald Simmons in all her life.

“And what if I do marry?” Sarah returned her attention to the fire. “I can’t leave poor Lisbeth all to herself.”

“I’m sure your father will find a chaperone. He has the means.”

“It’s not that.” Sarah shook her head in dismay. “I don’t know how to live my life without her.”

“If I may be so bold as to express something.”

“I wish that you would.”

“Perhaps it will allow you the freedom that you deserve … not to have to look after your sister. Since you are without a mother, I have to believe that you’re something of a mother figure to her.”

Sarah’s eyes widened. Yes, Reginald fully understood the truth. Sarah felt a remarkable responsibility towards Lisbeth that she’d never expressed before. But she had been something of a mother figure a long time.

Sarah said breathlessly, “I worry about her. If anyone should be wed to have someone take care of them, it’s Lisbeth. I just want to know that she’s safe at all times.”

A smile cracked open on his lips. “You’re a remarkable sister. Your father must know it.”

“I hope.”

In the bit of silence that followed, Sarah heaved a sigh and considered how deplorable it would be if they were discovered alone yet again. Perhaps it would be the last straw for the duke, and he’d decide to be done with Sarah for good. It wouldn’t be such a terrible thing, she thought. Maybe being discovered by the duke and her father would be beneficial in the end.

“Are you staying tomorrow?” Sarah asked, still harbouring fear that Reginald might leave for his grand tour.

“I believe that I’m staying on, yes.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“And you?”

“Well, considering that I have absolutely no choice in the matter,” Sarah said playfully. She looked around the library at all the books illuminated by the firelight. “I suppose I’ll have to find a new book to read to pass the time.”

“You’re extraordinary, Sarah.”

Their eyes locked. Sarah felt warmth flood her entire body. No one had ever said anything like that to her before.


Reginald yet again feared that he had said too much, but in Sarah’s presence, he couldn’t stop the outpouring of affection. Listening to her talk of the care she took for her sister, her love of the piano, her delight in books—Reginald had never met anyone like Sarah Crawford in his life. She was a marvel, and if he said too much, then so be it.

“You mustn’t say such things,” Sarah finally replied.

“And why not? It’s the truth, after all.”

“Yes, but … your presence makes me do things that I wouldn’t normally do.”

Reginald felt a quickening in his chest. What exactly was she referring to?

“I admit that it’s a risk for us to be alone.”

“But I feel so comfortable in your presence.”

“You have every reason to be comfortable. I’d never do you any harm.”