Chapter 11

Sarah was mortified. How could the duke do such a thing? It wasn’t that she didn’t love her father and wish for his company, but the whole thing seemed like a ploy to push the odds to the duke’s favour.

Sarah heaved a sigh and looked towards Reginald, whose brow was knit. He seemed concerned. Instead of protesting and making a scene, Sarah decided to grit her teeth and bear it. She’d greet her father with esteemed affection and wait for the whole situation to pass.

“Are you all right?” Reginald asked softly.

“Yes, quite all right.” Sarah sat up straight and took pains to make sure that the demeanour upon her face was calm and relaxed.

As the picnic continued, the men discussed various future events and the new gentlemen’s club they wished to frequent. From the corner of her eye, Sarah watched as Reginald continuously glanced her way. Every time that he did so, Sarah felt warmth throughout her entire body.

Their ride that afternoon had been most pleasant, and Sarah couldn’t believe how much she delighted in the earl’s company. He was a kind and generous man and just happened to be deliciously handsome. What’s more, outside of her sister, Reginald was the only person at the duke’s estate she enjoyed spending time with.

“If you’ll all make your way back to the estate,” the duke said, getting up from the ground. “There’s a remarkable supper planned for all those that wish to stay.”

“I can’t eat another bite!” one man protested.

All the others laughed, and Sarah closed her eyes in frustration. Yet another meal, more chatting, and formality. Sarah wished for nothing more than to have a quiet supper with her sister … or the Earl of Buckland.

As all the other men got up to depart, Sarah and Reginald remained. She turned to him and delighted in the sparkle of his eyes.

“Are you going to remain here?” Sarah asked.

“Seated on the ground?” the earl quipped.

“No, I meant at the duke’s estate.”

“I suppose I have no choice. My new friends are very demanding.”

“I’m glad that you’re staying.” Sarah couldn’t believe she’d admitted to that.

“I’m glad that I am as well.”

Their eyes locked for several moments before Sarah turned away. “Well, we now know that you’ll be able to meet my father.” Sarah’s words were biting, not delighting in the fact that the arrangement was entirely against her wishes.

“I’m sorry the duke did that. I can see that it upsets you.”

“What upsets me is knowing that I have no say in anything. I’m always expected to do what I’m told and not express my opinion.”

“I can understand how that would be upsetting.” There was genuine concern in the earl’s voice.

“It’s not worth it to dwell upon the matter.” Sarah looked down at the grass and frowned. “What’s done is done.”

“I admit that I’m selfishly pleased, for this means that you’ll be staying longer at the estate, as well.”

Sarah met his gaze once more. Why was Reginald having this profound effect upon her? It was beginning to feel like, when Reginald was by her side, the rest of the world disappeared.

“I very much enjoy your company, My Lord.”

“And I very much enjoy yours.”

“Now I must be the one to selfishly admit that I don’t wish for you to return to Wales.”

There was affection in Reginald’s eyes, and he instantly reached over and took Sarah’s hand. She didn’t even think to look about to see if someone was watching. Sarah merely delighted in the feeling of Reginald’s hand upon her, grasping her tightly. The warmth in her body progressed into an overwhelming flood, and Sarah felt her breath catch in her chest.

She looked down at Reginald’s hand, feeling her chest heave. What was coming over her? Sarah had never felt such strong sensations in all her life. Just then, Reginald lifted her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the tips of her fingers. Sarah nearly moaned—the sensation was so pleasurable.

“I … I cannot marry the duke.” The words sprung from her mouth before she had time to think.