Reginald felt that heat in his breast. She was laying bear her true feelings, and Reginald shared in all of those delicious feelings. How could something like this happen so quickly? Reginald turned introspective, thinking it remarkable how occurrences could be thrust upon someone without their having any foresight. If someone were to tell Reginald that he’d come to Hamel, change his identity, and fall in love, he would have remarked that they’d lost their mind.

They continued to ride and chat, Reginald bringing his horse as close to hers as possible and even on one occasion brushing his knee against hers. When they had finally worn themselves out, Sarah looked towards the picnic party and sighed.

“I suppose that we should join them.”

“If you wish.”

“All society does is eat and drink. I often don’t have the stomach for it.”

“You don’t care for rich food?”

“It’s not entirely to my liking. I enjoy a simple repast.”

“As do I. We share the same tastes.”

At the mere mention of tastes, Sarah blushed once more. Reginald craved tasting her lips, and if he could put a wager on that, he’d most certainly win.

As they approached the picnic, lords and ladies sat about doing just as Sarah had mentioned; eating and drinking. Reginald dismounted his horse and helped Sarah down, which he was glad that she accepted because he was able to feel her hand in his own.

Only when she stumbled slightly after the dismount did Reginald place two hands on the sides of her waist. Sarah’s eyes went wide with shock, and Reginald was sure that he’d gone too far.

“I apologize,” he said.

“Whatever for? I merely stumbled.”

Reginald thought that if that were how she chose to look at it, he wouldn’t push the subject any further. But feeling his hands upon her waist made Reginald long for so much more.

They approached the picnic, and the first person to stand and greet them was the duke. Unlike the evening before, there was not a fair amount of kindness in his eyes.

“You two have been gone for some time,” the duke said.

Sarah explained, “It’s such a beautiful afternoon, and I have so little appetite after that wonderful breakfast.”

“I’m glad that you chose to stay longer.”

“I must admit that it was my sister that did the convincing. She’s far keener on the country than myself.”

“Perhaps you can grow keener with time,” the duke said, his eyes narrowed. Then he turned his gaze upon Reginald. From the frustration that Reginald saw there, he concluded that he’d need to be more careful spending time alone with Sarah.

“We discussed the London opera,” Reginald said, trying to make their ride together sound as benign as possible.”

“I have box seats,” the duke replied. “I’d be honoured if you used them one day.”

“Most kind of you,” Reginald said.

“Come.” The duke led them towards a blanket where a few of his closest friends sat—all men. The gentlemen stood as they approached and all seated themselves once more after Sarah sat.

They talked of horses and hunting, the newest gentlemen’s club in London, what was being served for supper. All the while, Reginald kept stealing looks at Sarah, who sat erect as she sipped some wine.

All in all, it was one of the most remarkable afternoons in recent memory. If Jimmy, Bo, and Ned were to see him now, they’d scarce believe it. No doubt, they were at this very moment seated at the bar of the tavern, being served by Tim Tom. Their delight could not nearly match his own as Reginald sat there with lords and ladies, dining upon little delicacies.

“Lady Sarah, how can I convince you to stay longer?” the duke asked.

Sarah bit into a piece of cheese and shook her head. “You cannot.”

“What if I told you that I invited your father?”

Sarah’s eyes widened with shock. “Please, Your Grace, tell me that you did not.”

“I did. I sent the earl word yesterday.”

Reginald looked to Sarah, who sat frozen. Finally, she spoke. “Have you informed my sister?”

“No, but I’m sure that she’ll be just as delighted as you are at this moment.”

All the men except for Reginald, laughed. She certainly didn’t appear delighted at that moment.

“I… I thank you, Your Grace.” Sarah looked down at the grass in silence. She appeared dejected, as though inviting her father was the last thing in the world that she wanted.

Reginald’s heart sank. He’d never do anything like that to Sarah without asking her permission.