Chapter 28

The following morning, Edward awoke with a splitting headache. What the devil happened the night before? Everything had been going fine. He had warned Laura that he’d be dancing with Anna, which was what unfortunately transpired. But then, Laura’s behaviour became strange, and every time he tried to speak with her, she fled from him.

What did this behaviour mean? She didn’t even give him the opportunity to explain himself. Had someone told her something that upset her? If it was the implication that he didn’t wish to give his full heart to her, then they were lies.

Coming downstairs, Edward noted that the home was perfectly clean after last night’s ball. His staff was to thank, including Laura. He swelled with momentary pride, but this pride was brief when he was reminded of the fact that Laura did not come to him last night, as she promised.

In the kitchen, Stephen was already preparing breakfast. “Good morning, Your Grace.”

“Good morning. Where is Harrison?”

“He is out in the garden speaking with Frederick. Shall I summon him?”

“No, I’ll go.”

Edward exited the kitchen, all the while looking around for Laura. She had to be working somewhere. Stepping out onto the veranda, he saw Harrison speaking with Frederick, as promised. Instead of calling out to the butler, Edward decided to proceed into the garden on foot. He needed the fresh air to clear his head, which was spinning and in pain.

“Your Grace!” Harrison called out.

“The estate looks immaculate,” Edward said.

“The staff managed to finish the cleaning before retiring last night.”

“They did an expert job, as always.”

“Was there something that you needed, Your Grace?”

“I think that I’ll take my breakfast in my room this morning. I have a frightful headache.”

“I’ll send breakfast up with a tincture, then.”

“Most kind.” A thought came to mind, and Edward seized upon it. “Can I ask, was Anna speaking to any staff members last night?”

Harrison searched his mind. “I don’t recall seeing anything. Anna did request some water for the dog.”

“And who delivered it?”

“Laura did, Your Grace.”

“I see.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“Not in the slightest. Mere curiosity.”

As Edward headed back to the estate, he knew what the problem must have been. Anna must have said something to Laura, there being no other plausible conclusion. He stopped in his tracks and turned back to Harrison. “Would you be sure to have Laura send up the tray?”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

Edward continued his journey back to the estate. He would get to the bottom of things, what Anna had said to Laura and how she was most likely deceived. He would wait patiently for her to come, and if Diana were the one who came in her place, Edward would still request to see Laura. Everything would be sorted out and patched up by the afternoon.

Entering the home, it was Graham whom Edward encountered. “Late night? You look worse for wear.”

“I have a splitting headache.”

“I feel what you feel.” Graham brought a hand up to his head.

“Have you seen Laura this morning?”