When she turned, she was not surprised in the least that Edward was standing there. “May I help you, Your Grace?”
“Why did you run away from me?”
“This is no time for such conversation, Your Grace. I must work.”
“And I’m your employer, telling you not to work.”
“Very well.” Laura stood there, her posture erect. She found it ironic that she was holding teacups. It reminded her of the very first moment that she met Edward, dropping a teacup at his feet when she beheld how handsome he was. “What would you have me do then?”
“Meet me in the study.”
Laura sighed. “Very well, Your Grace.”
Edward would have his way at all costs, and Laura could see that. She took the teacups to the kitchen and proceeded to the study. She wasn’t sure what she’d encounter there or what conversation they might have, but Laura was determined not to mention what Anna had said. She needed to put it all behind her now.
“You called for me, Your Grace?”
“Don’t speak to me like that, Laura.”
“How should I speak to you then?”
“You’re not acting like yourself.”
“To speak plainly, I’m not sure I know who I am anymore.”
“Laura, what’s happened?” Edward stepped in, grasping Laura by the shoulders. She pulled away, unable to bear his touch.
“I ask that you please give me space. I don’t know if I can endure this any longer.”
Laura ran from the study. As she passed through the hall, Graham approached. She wished to conceal the tears streaming from her eyes yet again.
“Please do not call me that.”
“Are you all right?”
Laura had to laugh. “Everyone seems to be asking me that with some frequency.”
“You can tell me.”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“And did it tear you apart?”
Graham’s expression softened. “Yes.”
“Why does it do that? Why does it hurt to love?”
“A bit of advice. Men are scoundrels. All of them. Love will never not hurt.”
“This coming from a man!”
“Laura. I do know your name, after all. I will tell you this. You’re a smart girl. Society is a web of deception, and it has pulled you in. Be grateful that you’re a maid. Keep your life simple. You’ll thank me years from now.”
Laura walked past Graham, unable to carry on with the conversation. So that was the truth. Men were scoundrels, full of deception, and Laura fell for every last drop of it. And Graham’s advice was sound.
She should carry on with her life and get the silly notions out of her head that told her she might have a brighter future. That Edward would love her, and they’d be perfectly happy together. She’d been lying to herself this entire time, and now her heart would pay the price.
Taking Graham’s advice, Laura returned to work. No more tears. Not until she retired to her room that night. She carried out all of Ermengarde’s orders with focus and precision. She kept her head down, and by the time the clock struck midnight, most of the guests had departed, and Edward was nowhere in sight. It was the time that she was supposed to go to him, but Laura refused. If she could manage it, she’d never step foot inside that study again. Laura would change course, even if it destroyed her. But she knew that it wouldn’t destroy her. In fact, it would make her stronger.
Ermengarde said, “You did a fine job tonight, Laura. You’re free to retire.”
“Thank you, ma’am. I’ll take my leave.”
Laura did so, going down the stairs to her room and lighting the taper. There would be no romance novels that night. No epic tales of ships at sea that would make her think of Edward. Laura merely would lay on her bed and watch the taper burn. Diana was already asleep, so there was no need to explain. Everything would have to change now. Laura even heaved a sigh of relief. It was over, and she was free to move on with her life, but she doubted she’d be able to do that under Edward’s roof.