Edward reached out. “Allow me to take your bag.”
“That won’t be necessary.” Why was Edward acting like her servant and not the other way around?
“I insist.” Edward took her bag and placed it in the carriage.
Laura turned to look at Sage Brook one last time. Diana was still in the window, waving. Laura waved back and smiled. Just then, Hortensia, an older maid that Laura rarely spoke to, came out of the estate, walking towards the carriage. Laura turned back to the carriage and saw Edward’s extended hand. She took it and felt his firm grasp. He had rather large hands that made Laura’s hands look impossibly small. He lifted her into the carriage as though she were light as air.
Once inside, Laura took a seat by the window and watched as Edward helped Hortensia up. Although Hortensia weighed considerably more, Edward still showed no signs of exertion.
“Thank you, Your Grace,” Hortensia said.
Once all three of them were seated, Edward gave the signal that they should depart, and the carriage sped away. Sage Brook became smaller and smaller in the distance. Would Laura miss the old manor? Perhaps she would have a chance to return if only to see Diana again.
A good portion of the trip was undertaken in silence. Hortensia stared blankly out the window, and Laura tried not to constantly get lost in Edward’s eyes. Finally, he spoke.
“I’m as surprised by this as you are.”
Was he speaking to Laura or Hortensia? Edward laughed at her confusion.
“Why is that?”
“I didn’t know that I’d be returning to my estate with a new maid.”
“I promise that I’ll do my job to the best of my abilities.”
“I have no doubt.”
“And I really keep to myself most of the time.”
“You can, if you wish.”
Edward smiled at her. There was something about his smile that Laura found intoxicating. There was no deception to it. His eyes could not lie. Everything about him seemed like a dream, as did her new life.
Laura didn’t know why she was so bold, but the words poured out of her. “I wish to someday be a governess.”
“Finally, you admit it. You wouldn’t last night.”
Hortensia gave them a quick glance as though their conversation was positively scandalous, but Laura wasn’t holding back. She was seated before her new employer, and if he wished to speak with her, she’d do so. There was no threat of being fired now. Edward was inclined to be familiar with her, and Laura was beginning to see it as her job to be familiar with him, in kind.
“It’s difficult to admit to dreams in one’s mind.”
Edward cocked his head. “Why would that be?”
“Because, how can you determine if those dreams can come true?”
“You work for me now, Laura. Those dreams can certainly come true.”
Laura was flooded with warmth. If what Edward was saying was true, he might be interested in making her dreams come true in so many ways.