“Fritz,” Laura teased.
“Only if I become sincerely desperate.”
“Come, there’s no time to waste.” Laura searched for her bag and began to take clothing out of the drawers. “I’m told that I should be ready by noon.”
“You barely own a thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is done in mere minutes.” Diana helped to grab clothes and personal belongings.
“I prefer not to own much. It gives me a sense of freedom.”
As the two girls continued to pack and chat, Laura felt tears well in her eyes. Yes, she’d miss Diana, as well. Would she make any friends in her new life? Laura sincerely hoped so. There was nothing like good friends to lift one’s spirits. Oddly enough, the few times they conversed, Laura saw something that looked like friendship in Edward’s eyes. Or was it more?
Walking out to the carriage, Laura was in shock to see Edward standing there waiting for her. She never once assumed that she would undertake the journey with him. A fit of nerves came over her, and Laura felt her knees weaken again. Willing herself to walk forward, Laura stopped in front of Edward and clutched her bag. Edward smiled affably.
“Good afternoon, Your Grace.”
“Good afternoon, Laura.”
“Laura Hawkins,” she said with a curtsy.
Edward laughed. “Yes, I know.”
“You do?” Laura looked into his eyes and nearly collapsed. Those green orbs were shining in the afternoon sun.
“I hope that you will be comfortable at my estate. It’s not as lavish as Sage Brook.”
“That’s of no importance.”
“But your room will be well-appointed, and I’ll always be focused on your comfort.”
Focused on her comfort? Why should her master be focused on her comfort? Laura should be focused on his comfort.
“I’m sure it will be suitable.”
Laura nervously cleared her throat as she looked at the carriage. As though Edward could read her thoughts, he said, “I know that our riding together would be a strange circumstance. I’ve asked one of Norman’s older maids to accompany us.
Laura heaved a sigh of relief. Riding alone with Edward would be far too stimulating for her to bear. “That is most kind, Your Grace.”
They gazed into one another’s eyes without words for several moments. Was that how her new life was to be? Stolen, heated glances with nothing to say? Laura felt a flush come to her cheek. Yes, he was examining her in some way. She was under his scrutiny. Laura quickly changed the subject to calm her nerves.
“The sun is finally shining.”
Edward looked up to the sky. “Yes, the clouds have parted. Just in time for our journey.”
“I hope you’re not too fatigued from last night.”
“It was endless; I must admit. But I won my hand, in the end.”
Was he referring to Laura? Was she the prize that he had won? The thought was overwhelming, and Laura wished to diffuse the situation.
“It was difficult to say goodbye to my friend.” Laura turned towards Sage Brook and looked up to the top floor where her old room was. Diana was peering down at them through the window. Laura couldn’t help laughing.
“She’s spying on you.”
“She merely wishes for my happiness, Your Grace.”
“As do I.”
Laura looked down at the ground. Why was Edward so cold towards her at the breakfast table and now overbrimming with warmth? Did he not yet know that Laura had said yes to his proposal? Perhaps he was trying to keep up appearances for the rest of the guests. Whatever the reason, Edward had made a full reversal and his gaze cascaded onto her like warm sunlight.