Chapter 8

Laura peeked her head into the dining room. The men were just finishing, and she watched as Edward leaned back in his chair, his hands folded in his lap. How was it that he was even better looking in the light of day? But Laura wasn’t going to think about all that. She’d focus on her duties and continuously remind herself that Edward’s interest in her was strictly professional. Just then, his eyes wandered to hers, and she caught a smile on his lips before she retreated in shame.

Edward must think her to be bothersome. Why did he ask her to come to his estate? Just when Laura thought she couldn’t take the confusion any longer, Percival released her from her breakfast duties and informed Laura that it was time for the servants to dine in the kitchen. Even though she was hungry, Laura wasn’t sure she could eat. Nerves and excitement were too high, and she wanted to pack and be on her way at once.

Not wanting to create a stir, Laura made her way into the kitchen as she was told and took a seat next to Diana at the table. It was impossible to share the news with her just then, as she couldn’t share her genuine thoughts when everyone else was within earshot. Instead, Laura held her tongue and tried to eat a piece of buttered toast with strawberry jam. Just as she took her first bite, Laura noticed that nearly everyone at the table was glancing at her and then looking away. Did they know? Did news spread that fast?

As though Diana could tell that Laura was being glanced at, she changed the subject immediately. “Finally, the weather has cleared.”

“Thank goodness.” It was all Laura could say. She didn’t like being the centre of attention like that.

Diana peered into Laura’s eyes with a knowing gaze. “I hear you have some special tasks to perform today.”

Laura knitted her brow. Yes, Diana had to know. “There are some special arrangements to be made if you’re willing to be of assistance.”

Diana smiled. “Always.”

Laura heaved a sigh of relief. Why was she afraid of having the other staff know? Laura should be proud of what had transpired. She was going to a new estate. An estate that wasn’t always gloomy, cold, and silent. She’d venture to a new life where events transpired, the sun shone, and the birds sang. At least, that’s how it appeared in her imagination.

Finishing her tea and toast, Laura got up from the table, and all eyes were on her once more. She held her head high and pulled her shoulders back. This was it. Laura was to prepare for her new life. She practically raced up the stairs to her room with Diana following her, the two girls giggling all the way. Once they were safely in her room with the door closed, Diana burst open with a sentiment.

“Oh, Laura! Such terrific news. I’m so happy for you.”

“How did you know?”

“Everyone knows. Word spreads fast.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Diana took Laura by the hands. “Working for Edward Pembroke. Oh, how I wish I could go with you.”

“I’m surprised by my good fortune.”

“And to think, it was all from a bet.”

Laura had to pause. A bet? Percival didn’t mention a bet. He kept the circumstances behind her invitation to himself.

“Explain that,” Laura said.

“Edward and the Duke of Bancroft engaged in a game of cards last night. The duke lost, naturally. He gave Edward his money, but Edward refused. Then, he said that Edward could have any one thing from Sage Brook. He chose you.”

Laura’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. He chose her, of all the things he could have chosen? How was that possible? Did she really make that great an impression on him? “It seems so odd to me.”

“I don’t think it’s odd in the slightest. You spoke to him twice last night. You caught his eye. Clearly, Edward wants you to be a part of his life.”

The statement seemed a little too lofty for Laura to wrap her head around. No, she wouldn’t let her mind wander to such extraordinary thoughts. Edward wanted a new maid at his estate. That was that.

“Who knows what his motivation is. I’m merely determined to do my job.”

“I hear his estate is marvellous. Not as big as Sage Brook, but filled with light and good cheer.”

“That’s exactly how I imagined it. I must admit that I’m grateful to leave the gloom of this place.” Laura looked around her tiny room. It was perhaps the only thing about Sage Brook that she was going to miss. She loved her room. Perhaps her new room would be just as cosy and quaint.

Diana sighed. “I wish I could go with you.”

“I wish for that, as well.”

“It’s been so marvellous having you as a friend the last two years, Laura. Now, who will I have to talk to?”