“What would be the purpose of that?”

“I’d be the last to know. For various reasons that I can’t disclose, Edward Pembroke has made this offer to you.”

Laura’s eyes were wide, and the air caught in her chest. She willed herself to speak, but nothing would come out.

“What answer say you?”

“Answer? I wasn’t sure that it was a question.”

“His Lordship made it clear that he’d only take you with your consent.”

Take her? Consent? Laura had never been in this position before. Edwardwantedher, but he also wanted her permission?

“I think … I’d like to go.”

Percival heaved a sigh of relief. But did he really fear that Laura would say no? How could she say no to such a thing?

“Very well. I’ll inform the Duke of Bancroft. After helping with breakfast, you’re free to pack.”

“Yes, sir.”

After Percival left the room, Laura didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She was in a haze of emotions, and lest she give away her utter excitement, she decided it best to focus on the tasks at hand. She’d dress for breakfast, do her work, pack all of her things, and be on her way. There was no time to consider what stood waiting for her in the future. Laura would keep focused on the present. That was enough to prevent her from running to Diana’s room that very moment, screaming like a banshee.

Looking in the mirror, her black and white uniform was just right. Her brown hair was in a perfect bun, and Laura was ready to go downstairs. Just as she was opening the door, Laura’s face went wide, and she quickly closed it, pressing her back against it. The smile that formed on her lips was huge. She laughed to herself. Laura felt nothing but joy.

Composing herself, she opened the door again and walked down the hall feeling as light as air. Never had she been so excited to undertake her last day of employment. Coming down the steps, she smelt the warm breakfast and heard her stomach growl. She’d have to wait until after breakfast service to dine. Oh, but heavens!

Edward would be at the table unless he had left already. Laura passed by a mirror in the hall and inspected herself once more. To her eye, she was plain. But obviously something about her appearance and general temperament struck Edward Pembroke. That was enough for her. She didn’t need anything more.

“Take this tray, Laura.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Laura took a tray and entered into the grand dining hall, where breakfast was being served. Around the large table sat several very dishevelled men. Some had perhaps not had any sleep at all. She was so rushed that she didn’t even have time to see what was on her tray. Small dishes of fruit. She placed them on the table one by one. And that’s when she saw Edward seated at the head of the table. There was no emotion in his eyes as he looked at her.

Had Laura made it all up in her head? Had their interactions been nothing but cordial, and now Edward merely wanted an extra hand at his estate? Laura’s cheeks flushed with mortification. Yes, that was the real truth. Edward needed another maid; no more, no less. How silly it was of her to get wrapped up in so much emotion. She promised never to do it again.

Reaching the head of the table, Laura placed Edward’s dish of fruit before him. He did not acknowledge her, and Laura was almost relieved. She wouldn’t have to constantly think of Edward for another day. His request was professional, and Laura would treat it as such.

Exiting the dining room, Laura nearly ran head-on into Diana. Diana said, “They look a little worse for wear, do they not?”

“I’d say so.” It was not the right time or place to tell Diana what was happening. Laura vowed to calm her emotions. It was a mere shift in employment, that’s all.