“You suspect that she’s not as innocent as she seems?” Peter asked.

“You know that I’ve lost all trust in men and women alike,” Jeffrey said with a dry laugh. “I do find that Charlotte may be an appropriate one to keep close.”

Peter clucked his tongue. “You’ll seem like all the others, wanting to get close to her regardless.”

“Precisely my thoughts,” Jeffrey said. “She won’t know me beyond just another suitor.”

Peter arched his brow. “Recently, my wife requested a dinner party. Something amongst some of our closer friends in the area. Charlotte’s dear best friend is my wife’s cousin—a woman named …”

“Louisa,” Jeffrey interjected.

“Yes. Precisely. I suppose you must have met her as well.” Peter gave a light shrug. “A dinner party with the two of them could be arranged if you’d like me to fuel a situation in which you can speak more intimately with Lady Charlotte.”

“What a remarkable scheme, Peter. I don’t know how I’ve lived my days on this earth without your intellect. Yes. As soon as possible. I look forward to picking her brain—and I hope, for her sake, I find only the sort of woman who puts entirely too much stock in mysticism.”