Chapter 24

Alexander sighed irritably as he gazed around the grand ballroom. He really wished the Earl had not twisted his arm to attend, but the older man had told him he wanted Alexander to meet some influential lord or other who was only in London to attend this ball.

He sighed again. The ton were all out in their finery as always, flitting around the house like a flock of butterflies, clutching glasses of champagne as they talked together. He knew what the topics of conversation would be: riding, hunting, and society gossip, probably in that order. It was so mind numbingly boring that he often found himself drifting away entirely.

He spotted Olivia’s friend, Emma Percy. She was dancing with a gentleman. They seemed to be getting along well, judging by the intimate looks they were giving each other. The gentleman held her hand for just a smidgeon too long as well in the dance. The lady blushed prettily when it happened.

And then he saw Olivia. His face darkened. Of course, she was dancing with Lord Bertram. The man was glued to her side. Abruptly, he turned away. He did not want to watch the nauseating display.

He clutched his glass of champagne so tightly he was probably in danger of shattering it. A whirlwind of emotions swept over him. She was a fool—a dizzy headed fool to want to marry that man so quickly. She was only nineteen. Why did she want to throw her whole life away being married to a banal man like Lord Bertram Langley?

It is none of my business. She can marry anyone she chooses. If her own family have no issue with it, then neither do I.

But he could not brush the feelings aside. He felt like they were choking him. It was disturbing, to say the least. He knew that he wanted her badly, but jealousy was another thing entirely. How had the green-eyed snake suddenly appeared?

He had not indulged himself with her. He had painstakingly been trying to avoid her. The last time he had seen her was that day he had called at their home to see the earl. And he had not even tried to kiss her then.

But I want to. Very much.

He knew he had hit a nerve when he had teased her about her suitor. He would bet his last guinea that there was no passion there, which made her determination to marry the man so much more puzzling. She always insisted she wanted to marry for love, so how could she be contemplating a man who did not ignite her senses? It would be a marriage of convenience in his books, even if they got along like a house on fire.

He spotted Lady Henrietta, Olivia’s mother, walking towards him. Beside her was a beautiful golden-haired lady dressed in a lavender silk gown. Alexander noticed her eyes gazing upon him speculatively.

“Captain Fletcher,” said Lady Henrietta, smiling warmly. “How nice to see you. May I introduce Lady Lydia Grantham? She especially asked to meet you.”

Alexander’s eyebrows rose, turning to the golden-haired lady with renewed interest.

“Captain,” said the lady in a breathless voice. “Is it true that you own your own ship and sail it to foreign shores?”

He nodded, grinning. “Very true, milady. I own three ships.”

“How fascinating,” said the lady, her eyes widening. “And exciting. I have never met a sea captain before. And now you are to become an Earl as well one day.”

Alexander laughed. She was deliberately flattering him, and he would have to be made of steel not to like it. And shewasbeautiful, with her golden curls framing her face and big green eyes.

He looked at her with renewed interest. He usually found these high society ladies extremely dull, even if they were beautiful. They did not have a wide variety of topics to talk about and they were awfully insular, only interested in their own narrow world. But flattery was flattery, and he knew when a woman was flirting with him.

He gazed over her shoulder at the dancefloor. Olivia was still utterly absorbed in dancing with her suitor. Suddenly, he knew exactly what he was going to do. It would kill the time at least, until the lord that the earl wanted him to meet got here.

“Would you care to dance, milady?” he asked, fixing her with his eyes. As anticipated, a colour rose in her cheeks.

“I would adore it, Captain,” she said, in that high breathless voice, taking his proffered hand.

He swept her onto the dancefloor. To his secret delight, it was a waltz. A great opportunity to hold a woman close.

He pretended not to notice Olivia gazing at them as he swept the lady away, twirling her around the dancefloor. He was not particularly fond of dancing but he knew rudimentary steps to most of the popular dances. The golden haired lady leaned into him, clearly enjoying herself.

Alexander felt a thrill of triumph. He could still charm the ladies when he wanted to. Maybe he might ask her to go for a walk with him in the gardens after this and press that delectable body to him. He had a feeling that Lady Lydia Grantham would not say no. And if Olivia was entertaining herself with her dull suitor, then why could not he do the same thing with this lady? No reason at all.


Olivia frowned as she watched Captain Fletcher dancing with Lady Lydia Grantham, of all people. The lady was a shocking flirt. There had even been whispers that she was rather indiscriminate with her affections. And Lydia was gazing up at him as if he was the most thrilling man she had ever encountered in her life.

“Ouch,” grumbled Bertie. “You stood on my toe, Olivia.”

Olivia gazed at him with a vague expression on her face. “Sorry, Bertie. How clumsy of me.”

The dance continued. Couples were twirling around the room. Olivia and Bertie veered close to the Captain and Lady Lydia—close enough to see the enraptured expression upon Lydia’s face. And the Captain looked smug, holding the lady a smidgeon too close. He was not looking around at all and certainly did not see Olivia and her partner near them. His eyes were pinned upon his dance partner.