Chapter 22

Olivia gazed around the vestibule in Covent Garden with anxious eyes. The room had filled up with the ton dressed in their finery but she could not see Lucy or her aunt anywhere in the crowd and the ballet was going to begin shortly.

“Wherearethey?” she said, turning back to her mother and Emma. “I told Lucy to meet us here half an hour before the start.”

“There is still five or ten minutes until it starts,” said her mother, in a calm voice. “Do not worry, Olivia. I am sure they shall arrive soon.”

Suddenly, she spotted Lucy and her aunt walking through the door. She was just about to smile and wave to them when her jaw dropped. Behind them was Captain Fletcher, dressed in a smart green velvet jacket, his dark hair slicked back, looking impossibly elegant and not like himself at all. What washedoing here?

Lucy saw them, breaking out into a wide smile, pushing her way through the crowd. She was a little breathless. “I am so sorry we are late! My brother decided to attend with us at the last minute.” She rolled her eyes. “I was not expecting it at all and it delayed us leaving the house.”

Captain Fletcher appeared in front of them. His blue eyes were cool and amused as he gazed around the room. “So… this is how the upper crust enjoy themselves. It looks like they are here more to be seen than to watch the ballet.”

Olivia shot him a dirty look. “I thought you despised the ballet, Captain Fletcher?”

He grinned. “How would I know if I despise it if I have never seen it? I thought I would give it a chance. See how the other half live!”

Lady Henrietta laughed. “How delightful, Captain. Ballet is not everyone’s cup of tea but I hope you find some enjoyment in the show at least. You are most welcome.”

The gong sounded, indicating that the crowd should start making their way into the theatre. Olivia tried not to look at him as they made their way up the staircase to their private box. She felt breathless and very, very annoyed.

She had not been expecting to see him this evening and she was well and truly rattled by his presence. How on earth was she supposed to relax and enjoy the ballet withhimsitting there, probably making smart comments the whole way through?

The lights dimmed as they settled into their seats. Olivia tried to focus on the stage as the orchestra started playing and the first dancers appeared, but she just could not. Captain Fletcher was sitting directly behind her. To her dismay, he moved his chair even closer still, so that she felt his warm breath upon her neck.

“What is happening?” he murmured.

Olivia frowned, turning around to him, speaking in a low whisper. “Just watch it and all shall be revealed. It is a story told though dance. You must be patient and just let it unfold.”

He sighed irritably but did not reply. Olivia let out a deep sigh. This was going to be a very long evening, indeed. She was not sure how she was going to survive his presence behind her at all. Desperately, she tried to focus on the stage again.

He did not speak for ten minutes. Then she heard him rustling behind her, as if he could not get comfortable. She heard an irritated sigh. And then felt his warm breath against her neck once again.

“Now what is happening?” he whispered. “Why is she leaping around the stage looking angry?”

Olivia turned slightly in her seat. She could just barely see his features in the darkened box. Her eyes fastened on his mouth. Those lips. To her horror, she felt a small tingle all over.

“If you had been following it closely, you would not need to ask the question,” she whispered, through gritted teeth. “She is upset because her lover has left her. She is expressing it through her dance.”

He rolled his eyes. “If I were her lover, I would have left her, too. That woman has calves that look like they could support a ship.”

Despite herself, Olivia giggled. “She has well developed calves because she is a dancer,” she whispered. “How else is she supposed to do all those pirouettes and leaps? I think her rather impressive. I wish I could do what she does.”

“I am sure your calves are perfect,” he whispered, his eyes upon her lips. “Just the way they are.”

Her stomach lurched. She could not believe he was doing this to her in this theatre box with people all around them. Hastily, she turned back to the front, staring at the stage with unseeing eyes. Her heart was thudding uncomfortably and her mouth had turned dry.

It seemed to take an eternity before intermission came. The crowd clapped politely as the lights flickered back on again. Olivia stood up on shaky legs, quickly walking out of the box. She did not even glance at Captain Fletcher. She really wished he had not come tonight. Because she suddenly knew it was not curiosity about the ballet at all.

He had come because he wanted to torment her. She was almost certain of it. Why else had he fidgeted and squirmed and asked inane questions the entire way through? He wanted to have her on the edge of her seat, quite literally. He was beyond infuriating. And the only way to deal with a man like that was to ignore him entirely. Perhaps then he might finally give up and just leave her alone.

If Bertie was here, he would not dare do it, she thought furiously.

Impatience filled her heart. She knew that Bertie liked her very much, but when was he going to pop the question? This courtship felt like it was dragging on forever. When she had her engagement ring tightly on her finger, then Captain Fletcher must stop his outrageous comments and trying to take liberties with her. Only when she had that ring upon her finger would she be truly safe.


Alexander sipped his tepid champagne, eying Olivia, who was standing directly across from him in the theatre foyer. He could tell she was annoyed with him, but that was nothing new. He quite enjoyed teasing her. Two spots of red would appear on her cheeks and her ice blue eyes looked like they could cut through glass.