Parsons’s smile slipped a bit. “Aunt Margarette, I know you were not planning on guests all through Christmas.”

“Don’t worry about it. I am thrilled to have you three. Truly, I am. You are free to stay well past Epiphany if necessary.”

Parsons’s smile came back as bright as ever. “Thank you.” He stood quickly, and a footman hurried over to catch his chair before it crashed to the floor. “Come, Robins, let’s plan out the evening activities.”

Robins agreed, and the two quickly left the dining room.

Isaac only watched them, slowly shaking his head. “I never thought I’d see the day when those two began acting like schoolgirls.”

“Watch yourself, Isaac,” Aunt Margarette said in a gentle tone. “You very well may find yourself acting just like that one of these days.”

“I doubt it.” He may have accepted that he needed to marry, but he wasn’t looking for love. Only for a good companion, someone he could respect and tolerate with equanimity, and preferably with a large dowry.

“Either way,” Isaac said, turning away from the door and back toward his great aunt. “It appears you have me and the girls for another few weeks, after all.”

“Splendid. Now...” Aunt Margarette’s smile spread. “Tell me what you truly think about Miss Dowding.”