Page 55 of Burn For Me

“You’re not asking.”

“You are very stubborn.”

“That’s the pot calling the kettle black, you know.”

“Maybe, but it’s also the truth.” We were both quiet for a few minutes as we ate. “I really do appreciate everything you have done, Zack, but I like my little apartment. I don’t want to move.”

“Is that because you don’t have the money? Because I already—”

I put my hand up to stop him. “Yes, you already offered to pay for it, but I’m not your problem, Zack.”

He stared at me for a moment, “What if I want you to be my problem?”

“Why? Because you think I need to be rescued? Remember that Lydia told me that you like to rescue women.”

“No, that’s not why, and why is that so wrong?”

“Because some women don’t need to be rescued. I, for one, do not need that. I took care of a large home on my own. I found a new job and moved to a new city all by myself.”

“Not the safest part of town.”

“It is better than some places.” I reached over the table and touched his hand. “Zack, I need to do this on my own. I need you to understand that it is important that I do.”