Page 60 of Burn For Me


Iwas nervous about being at work on Monday. The last thing I wanted to do was argue with Zack again. Luckily, I didn’t see him, and later that day, I learned that Zack had taken Lydia’s place on a trip. He would be gone all week, which helped settle my nerves.

Before he returned, I would have to figure out what I wanted to do. Would Zack and I be able to work together under the same roof? Or would it be better for me to find a new job?

That conversation came up on Wednesday when I was in Lydia’s office. We had just finished a project and ordered lunch. The two of us sat around her small conference table eating our deli sandwiches when she casually dropped a bomb.

“Please don’t let Zack scare you away.”

“Excuse me?”

“I know that you two slept together, and I know that you two also had a fight. I told Zack to stay away from you, and for some reason, he isn’t able to. I think he will now. He understands how serious you are, and I told him that if you quit, I was taking his assistant. He adores her, so he doesn’t want to lose her.”

I smiled. “I’m sorry you had to get in the middle of it.”

She waved a hand at me. “It’s not the first time. Zack means well. He really does.”

“I know he does, and I do need to apologize to him for yelling at him. I was just frustrated that he wasn’t listening.”

“Zack has a problem with not helping people when they need it. I know he offered you money to help you move into a new place.”

“He did, and I can’t accept it.”

“What if I offered you a loan? You could pay it back as you could, with no interest. Would you accept that?”

“I appreciate it, Lydia, but I just can’t.”

“Sure, you can. I know you didn’t want to take his money, and I get that, but this is a friend to a friend.”

“I know you mean well, but I can’t accept. I am fine where I am.”

“Despite not wanting to agree with Zack, I do on this. I don’t think it is a safe place for you or anyone.”

I laughed uncomfortably. “It’s not that bad. You guys act like there are gangs on every corner. I see kids out playing at all times of the day. If it is safe enough for them, it is safe enough for me. It’s not like I walk around in the dark by myself. I stay home. My doors are locked.”

She sighed dramatically and pointed a chip at me. “Fine, but know that if something else happens, both Zack and I are going to gang up on you.”

“If, and that’s a big if, something happens to me, then I will consider taking your advice. I just now got my place back to the way it was and replaced all the broken items.”

“Did you get renters insurance yet?”

“No, I have that on my list to do this Friday when I get paid.”


We ate silently for a few minutes, and then she set her sandwich down and wiped her mouth. “What do you think of Zack?”

“Um, I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes, you do. I know you guys slept together, Lilly. I get it. He’s very handsome and not just that. He’s sensitive.”

“I forgot you slept with him too,” I stated, feeling a bit funny about having this conversation with her.

“Yuck, yeah, the sex was good, but there was no connection, and definitely not a connection like the two of you have.”

“We don’t have one.”

“Yes, you do. Trust me. I know Zack well. I know when he is really into someone. He likes you, Lilly.”