Page 48 of Burn For Me

“No. I just feel weird having this conversation with you. I barely know you, and I’m talking about nipples with you. I was with Wade for over ten years, and we never talked about nipples. Even saying the word is weird.”

“Obviously, there was a lot that you and he never talked about, but I’ll be honest here. I don’t care about him or what you did or didn’t do with him. I care about you, Whiskey. I care about what makes you happy and what doesn’t. I care about pleasing you, not anyone else.”

“Why?” The question burst from my lips.

“Honestly? I’m not entirely sure yet. There is something about you that appeals to me. You’ve heard others say it; you’re not my usual type, but—”

“What is your usual type?”

“Traditionally, I date tall blondes.” He tweaked my nose. “And you are neither tall nor blond, but I happen to like both of those things about you.”

“The women you typically date are probably much better in bed.”

He gave me a stern look. “You are not bad in bed, Lillian. Our bodies had no problem communicating with one another.”

“True, but they have more experience.”

“Maybe, but experience doesn’t mean a damn thing if your heart and mind don’t feel anything. Then it’s just sex. It’s nothing more.” He ran a finger over my cheek. “Besides, most of the women from my past were already set in their ways. They knew what they liked and didn’t, and stuck to that. With you, it will be different. We can experiment together, find what you like, what you don’t.”

“You say that like this wasn’t just a one-time thing.”

“It’s not. Or at least, I hope it’s not.” He frowned. “Why? Did you not enjoy yourself last night?”

“I did. I’m just still stuck on the fact that I work for you.”

“You work for Lydia,” he said sternly.

“I work for your company.”

“And hers.”

“It’s the same thing.”

“Am I not allowed to find someone to care about just because I own a company?”

“Of course, you can. I’m not sure it’s right that I’m an employee of that company.” I sat up and rested against the headboard, pulling the sheet close to my chest. I had noticed that twice he talked about caring for me, but I wasn’t ready to look too deeply into that.

“Then what is wrong with this thing between you and me?”

I sighed. “Zack, I won’t deny that I find you attractive or that I don’t want to do what we did last night with you again. I do, but what if things don’t work out? How difficult will it be for us at work if things go bad? I don’t want to cause any waves at the office. I really do like my job, and I love working with Lydia.”

He stared at the ceiling, remaining quiet for a few moments. Finally, he rolled further to his side and propped himself on his elbow. “I do understand your concern, Lillian, but unlike you, I prefer to think positively, not negatively.”

“What does that mean?”

“Exactly what I said. I would like to think that this is the start of a good relationship that will last a while, not be over in a week or a month.”

Oh, how I wished I could believe that was possible. True, sex with us was great last night, the highlight of my life, but what happened when he got tired of trying new things with me? Obviously, he was a very sexual man, and he was not shy to admit that he dated often. When he got tired of me and wanted to move back to his regular type, I would be left in the dust. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see him with other women, not after last night.

But I didn’t have the right to stake a claim here. We had slept with each one night, and even though I was living in his home for a short time, I would eventually leave. As he stared at me, I realized I needed to leave sooner rather than later.

Maybe I even needed to start looking for a new place to work. That would suck, but I knew eventually when things changed between us, working in the same place as him would be difficult.

“How about we don’t make any plans, and let’s just see what happens, okay?” I finally replied to him.

He nodded once, “Okay, I can live with that.”

I sure hoped I could.