Page 40 of Burn For Me

Tentatively she put food in her mouth, and I changed the subject to my trip. I shared with her my reasons for going, how things went, and even where we ate. Within a few moments, she had relaxed, and her eyes once again sparkled in the final rays of the sun.

When we finished eating, I sat back, and the two of us watched the sun and the clouds lose their color and fade into darkness. Around us were everyday sounds. Someone yelled on the street below, a truck chugged along, and a few cars beeped.

Once in a while, I would shift my eyes toward her, and find her looking almost mesmerized by the scene in front of her. It was beautiful, but not as magnificent as her.

I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but I was also dying to rekindle the conversation we had previously been having. I poured more wine into our glasses and sat back. “Did your husband tell you that you were boring in bed?”

“Yes.” Her eyes dropped to her plate. “He said it was why he kept sleeping with other people. I didn’t please him enough.”

“When you guys had sex, did you try different positions, or was it always one?”

“Um,” she bit on her bottom lip, then raised her eyes to me. “Why are you asking me this?”

“Because I think it is important to know. If he says you are boring, I am pretty sure that he’s the boring one, not you.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because of what happened in the office the other day.”

Her brow furrowed with confusion. “How could that show you that I’m not boring?”

“Because of the passion you displayed.”

She laughed. “Passion? I am not very passionate.”

“I beg to differ, Whiskey. You are very passionate, but obviously, Wade didn’t know how to bring that out in you.”

“Is that what you think?”

“Yes, now answer the questions.”

She sighed. “Usually, it was just the regular way, me on the bottom, him on top.”

“Usually? So you did a few other positions?”

“God! I can’t believe we are talking about this.” She rubbed her hands over her face, sighed roughly, and then sat back. “Once in a while, he would make me lay on my stomach, and he would lay over me. I wanted to suggest other positions, but I never did.”

“Why didn’t you?”

She grew quiet, and I waited. Finally, she lifted her eyes to me and replied. “Because I was afraid to.”

“Afraid of what? That he would hurt you?”

“No, I never thought he would physically hurt me. I don’t know. I was just embarrassed to want to try different things.”

“Have you ever used a vibrator?”

She tossed her head back and laughed. “No! Wade said only sluts used those.”

“That’s not true. Most women who have healthy sex drives use them,sometimes daily.”


Lydia would probably kill me for saying this, but if it would help Lilly, I was going to spill the beans. “Do you think Lydia is a slut?”

“Of course not!”

“Well, she uses one, especially when her husband travels for long periods.” She continued to stare at me, her lips slightly parted. “Vibrators are for more than just getting yourself off, though. Couples use them together to enhance their pleasure.”