Page 35 of Two Doors Down


Beers and Bartenders

Putting the roses by Aria's door gives me hope she may speak to me eventually. Not spending time with her or talking to her has made me miserable.

The anger I feel for my sister is insurmountable. I am not sure I will ever be able to forgive Jenna for the mess she has created. My desire to speak with her is nonexistent at this point. It may take months, if not years, for me to even want to chat with her.

After waiting for several days for Aria to come around because of the roses, I begin to realize she has moved on. Not one word from her to tell me this has ended.

The complications of this situation make it unbearable to analyze my own emotions. With that said, I refuse to answer Jenna's calls or reply to her texts. For the moment, Jenna is pretty much dead to me.

Knowing how my sister operates and how she respects her husband, there is one last resort to get Jenna to keep her nose out of my business and allow me to be with the woman I love, Aria.

After thinking carefully about going to Michael and asking him to talk some sense into his wife, I call Michael. He agrees to meet up and have a couple of beers. Of course, Michael is not fully aware of my intention of meeting with him. And that is okay for now. I certainly do not want him to tell Jenna that I plan to ask her husband to talk to her. That would be a mission unaccomplished for sure.

Michael and I meet up at a local beer pub halfway between his house and mine.

As I wait for Michael and sip on a beer, the bartender approaches me in the corner booth.

"What's a hot guy like you doing drinking beer alone in the corner?" She winks.

"I am waiting for my brother-in-law to meet me. He is running a little late." I smile at her.

She grins and tosses back the right side of her long black straight hair, "Maybe you should wait until I am done working and we can have a beer."

"Maybe. How late do you work?"

"I am done at ten, then the closing bartender comes in." She stares into my eyes.

"Yeah, sure, why not? I can sip on beers for a few hours. It's Friday night so I can sleep in tomorrow."

"What if I don't let you sleep in?" She winks again.

"Are you saying we are going to hook up?"

"Maybe. Would you like that?" She twirls her hair.

"I am not really into hookups, but what the fuck. I could use some fun tonight."

"Don't get too drunk while you wait for me, handsome," she says laughing and walks away.

Michael walks in and over to the booth I am sitting in. "Hey, Eric. How's it going?" He sits down. "That bartender’s eyes tells me she wants to serve you more than a drink."

"Ha ha, yeah, you have that right. She wants me to wait for her to get off of work."

"I think she is planning to get off by the looks of it." Michael laughs.

"Yeah, I think so too. So, thanks for meeting up with me and having some beers. I wanted to catch up and I needed to get the hell out of my house for a while."

"Yeah, you doing okay, man?" Michael asks me, focusing on my reaction.

The bartender walks up to us, "Hi, what can I get you to drink?"

"I will have the same as him." Michael points to my beer glass.

"Alright, I will be right back. Do you want another one?" She glances at my beer glass.

"Sure, why not."