Page 5 of Two Doors Down

"Maybe, let's start out with your drink order." She winks at me.

"I would like to have your house specialty Saki."

"Okay and just for one?"

"Yeah, unfortunately so; just for one."

"I would join you if I did not have to work," she says with a grin.

"Well, that would be nice, but I am starving so if you joined me, I would not get my food." I wink back at her.

"Good point, I will be right back with your Saki." Sabrina walks so her ass shakes from side to side.She knows my eyes are fixated on her butt.

I cannot help but stare at Sabrina's rear; remember, I am a guy. However, the only thing that keeps my mind wholly occupied is Aria. What in the hell is going on with me? Did she cast a love spell on me?

Sabrina returns with my Saki. "What would you like to eat?"

"What would you recommend?"

"Hmmmm, I like the duck; it is tender and juicy." Sabrina purses her lips at me.

"I like duck, but I think I will go with the chicken chow Mein.” I place the menu on the table for her to take.

"Okay chow Mein it is," Sabrina nods at me and takes the menu.

While waiting for my food and sipping on the Saki, my eyes shift to watch the other customers. After several sips, the Saki is making me a bit tipsy and even more a little ballsy. Now is a great time to call Jenna and mention my encounter with Aria today. Seeing how Jenna reacts is a clear sign of a potential future with Aria.

"Hey Eric, where are you?" Jenna answers.

"I am out having dinner. After moving all day, I am gutted."

"I am sure; how is the new place so far?"

"Well, being I have spent a total of five hours there I am not sure. I do like my new neighbor however."

"Your new neighbor? Did you meet a guy down the hall?" Jenna snickers.

"No, not a guy. I actually ran into Aria in the hallway, and we chatted for a few minutes. I cannot believe how much she has changed. She went from being fugly to a complete knock out."

"Keep in mind, brother, that is my best friend. Not to mention she does not have it in her to get her heart broken again, especially by you," Jenna says.

"Wow! That was quick to assume with me. What do you think I am an ogre who wants to just get in girl’s pants?"

"I am not saying that Eric, what I am saying is Aria got her heart ripped out by her last boyfriend and I believe she still is really hurt by him."

"What happened with him; do you know?"

"He cheated on her with her roommate. She walked in one night after work and found them in her roommate’s bed and it was clear as day what was going on."

"Wow! I did not know that. How long ago was that?"

"Aria left him a year ago," Jenna replies.

"How do you know about this? You two have not really been in touch for years."

"We stayed connected through social media. When I saw her post about her heart being ripped out, I messaged her and asked her what was going on. She told me all about it."

"Damn, well, Aria is a strong woman. I am sure she has bounced back by now," I say, sipping on my Saki.