Page 44 of Two Doors Down


It’s Not All Chocolate

Not often does my mind become blown, but my sister Jenna has managed to do just that. Jenna called me last night to tell me she is willing to accept Aria and me together. She made it a point to note that she does not love the idea, but she will no longer be involved or mess with what we have.

Beyond that, Jenna has invited Aria and me to dinner at her and Michael's house. I know this news too will shock Aria.

I call Aria to make sure she was willing to go to dinner with my sister, and Aria graciously accepts.

Aria and I will be at my sister's Friday night for drinks, dinner, and whatever else, including a dip in Jenna and Michael's heated pool.

Not only have we been invited to dinner, but also, we have been asked to bring our swimsuits; this is by far a one-eighty of the Jenna Aria and I both knew just a week ago.

Friday night rolls around, and I drive Aria and myself to my sister’s house. Unlike in the past, Jenna welcomes us both with open arms. She is a bit guarded, but nothing like before.

Our evening starts with some cocktails before dinner. The conversation is light and fun. Nothing discussed is emotional or heavy in any manner.

After some drinks, we all sit down for dinner. Michael starts off the meal with a toast to the four of us. Jenna follows suit with a toast, which nearly made my head spin.

"Eric and Aria," Jenna begins, raising her glass. "I never thought I would say this, but seeing how happy you two are together fills my heart. Aria, I have never seen my brother smile like he is tonight. And Eric, the glow Aria emits is also something I have also yet to see. You two are obviously happy and that makes me happy. To Eric and Aria!"

"Cheers!" I raise my glass.

After we each drink, Aria leans over to me and lays a kiss on me.

"Alright you two, remember I am making progress with baby steps. Not by making hurdles," Jenna says, laughing.

The room becomes silent as the four of us dig into the food that Michael and Jenna prepared.. Everyone at the table is enjoying their food down to the last bite.

Leaning back into my chair and patting my stomach I announce, "That was great you two. I am stuffed."

"Good, I am glad you liked it." Michael smiles.

I can tell from the look in his eyes he is pleased with the outcome of Aria and me. It is somewhat apparent he is a bit proud and feels he may have helped the situation with Jenna.

"Dessert anyone?" Jenna jumps from her seat.

"No thanks, I don't have the room after that dinner," Aria chimes.

"How about some drinks by the pool?" Michael suggests.

"You read my mind," I say, getting up from the table.

The four of us take our plates into the kitchen. Jenna fixes us another round of drinks, and we sit at the table by the pool. Michael lights the gas firepit, and we relax and sip on our cocktails.

The more drinks we consume, the more we all celebrate being together. A lot of drinks start to bring out a lot of laughs and drunk talk.

"I actually am loving seeing you two together," Jenna slurs.

"Oh yeah? How about this?" Aria lays a long kiss on me as Jenna observes.

"Do it again!" Jenna commands Aria.

Aria kisses me again, and the tension between Aria and me rises. Feeling her lips on top of the multiple drinks is getting me aroused.

Jenna is getting to the point she can no longer speak, much less walk.

"Michael, let's go to bed and let these two love birds have some time alone by the pool." Jenna clambers over to Michael.