Page 4 of Two Doors Down


Saki for One

Seeing Aria baffles me. She has gone from a zero to a ten in the past decade, and my mind wanders to imagining what is underneath her clothes.

Aria has developed into a woman with what seem like extraordinary breasts. They are round, full, and stand at attention. It is hard for me not to stare at them or, even more, imagine what it would be like to play with them with my hands and mouth.

Since Aria is one of my sister’s best friends, I know she is off limits. Jenna would make our lives hell. Part of me does not care, though, and Jenna will have to accept that.

Back in high school, I would never have given Aria the time of day nor would any other guy I knew. Well, maybe a band geek or a dude of that caliber but not a jock like me. My friends and I would often joke about Aria being so homely. Now, I feel bad about making such comments; karma may have bitten me in the ass.

As the all-star quarterback of the varsity team my buddies tended to follow my lead. If I said roll over, they all would abide by my command like a dog in heat. Most of the girls in high school went gaga over me when I walked by their locker. I could feel their eyes piercing me as I strutted by with my friends. I knew every one of them had one thing on their mind and that was to get into the pants of Eric Ward. A few of them managed to carry this out, and many did not.

Girls who were too quick to jump in the sack with me did not interest me whatsoever. I always wanted a girl who would make me wait, make me work for it, and make me want more.

In high school not one girl met my requirements. Heck, even in college no woman did either. It was not until I met Sarah a little over three years ago. That girl got me, and she got me good.

There was something about how she moved in bed. Her touch would make me explode. Finding another woman like Sarah seems to be far out of reach.

Maybe, just maybe, Aria would be like Sarah in all of those aspects. My vivid imagination keeps my curiosity piqued.

During our childhood, my parents always encouraged Jenna and I to do our best. Love was always unconditional, and our mother was that mom who would show up with freshly baked cupcakes for our birthdays; even up until I was a sophomore. Then I had to tell her not to embarrass me anymore.

Our father was an insurance agent and managed to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table, and clothes on our backs. Granted, we did not have anything overly fancy, but we had parents who had our backs no matter what.It’s through their love I helped develop my confidence with women and in life.

Knowing Aria is just two doors down from me makes me want to discover more about her. My mind is like a movie looping over and over about what she tastes like, how soft her skin is, and if she is tight (yes, you know what I mean).

Her long locks of wavy red hair replaced what used to look like a bowl cut and her pearly white teeth now shine without glimpses of metal covering them. And then there are her eyes; her eyes are no longer hidden behind thick glasses. The blue in them is mesmerizing, and you can almost feel her soul shine through them when she speaks.

After unpacking all of the full boxes in my apartment (with the exception of a few) my stomach growls from hunger. I was so busy with the move today that I have completely forgotten to eat.

Rather than cook with what little food is in my fridge I decide Chinese food sounds terrific.

Upon leaving my apartment and heading out to a Chinese restaurant nearby I can see Aria walking down the hall out of the corner of my eye. Rather than playing it cool and pretending to fidget with my keys I decide to be bold and talk to her.

"Hey Aria, how is your Saturday going?" I walk up to her and smile.

"Not too bad, I just finished my yoga class and now am going to have dinner. I am starving."

"Yeah? Me too. In fact, I was just headed out to go grab Chinese. Care to join me?"

"I would love to," she grins. "But I really need to get a shower in and do a load of laundry. Rain check?"

"Yeah, sure. Another time. Have a great night."

"You too!"She grins.

As my legs pace down the hallway, I can feel Aria’s eyes watching me. Her energy pierces me from behind. I wonder if she is having the same thoughts about me that I am with her?

Oh, how I would love to kiss her full lips amongst other things, but then there is Jenna. My sister who likes to always be in control like she is a sergeant within the military.

Three blocks from my new apartment and I finally arrive at the Chinese restaurant and the host sits me at a table for one. While wishing it was a table for two and with Aria sitting across from me, I decide to order Saki. Maybe that will take the edge off of what is happening inside of my jeans. Or it could make it worse and having to hide a bulge could be a challenge; either way Saki sounds good.

The server approaches my table to get my order. She happens to be a beautiful woman and the way she looks at me makes me wonder if she is not eye-fucking me.

"Hi, I am Sabrina, I will be taking care of you tonight," she smiles.

"Hello Sabrina. You mean for my order, right?" I chuckle