Page 39 of Two Doors Down


Erotic Ride

Igave myself enough time before reaching out to Eric and thinking through what I want to say to him before I knock on his door.

Eric opens the door, "Hey, Aria!" He smiles.

"Hi, can I come in? I want to talk with you."

"Of course. You know I have been hoping for you to get in touch one way or another as you promised." Eric opens the door for me to enter.

"I have given a lot of thought about all of this and us." I follow Eric inside.

"And?" Eric looks at me seriously.

"I am torn. I have to be honest. I want us to be together but with no conditions like your sister. Does that make sense?"

"It sure does. That is exactly what I am thinking as well." Eric smiles.

"How will this work with Jenna? I mean, how can it be unconditional with her? She will never change. You and I both know that."

"I know and we cannot go on forever not speaking to her. She is my sister and your BFF." Eric sits on the couch.

Sitting down next to him I ask, "So how do we deal with this? I cannot bear the thought of never speaking to her again. Eventually, I will forgive her for this shit show."

"I think this is a case of tough love." Eric scooches closer to me.

"Oh, trying to move in already?"

"Ha ha, no, I just want to be closer to you," he says, winking at me.

"Have you heard from Michael how the talk went with Jenna?"

"No, but I have not heard from Jenna either. That tells me Michael must have spoken to her about all of this." Eric puts his hand on my leg.

"I guess that is not a bad thing then."

"No news is good news, right? So, what do you want for us?"

"I want there to be an us. I want to be able to sneak over with nothing on but a trench coat and seduce you whenever I want. I want us to be happy without the drama. And you?" I look at Eric, waiting for his answer with baited breath..

"I want to be in that place as well. I want you to come seduce me. I want to do the same to you. I want to feel you as much as I can every day. I want to taste your sweet lips upon mine. I want to be with you forever, Aria. That, my love, is the truth and nothing but the truth."

"Do you really love me?" I stare into Eric's eyes.

"I don't know why you would doubt that. I love you, Aria. I want to end up getting married. I want us to have children. I also want my sister to be involved with our life." Eric's eyes gaze into mine. "Do you really love me?"

"Yes, Eric, I do love you. I want all of those things as well and more."

"How much do you love me?" Eric grins like a naughty teenager.

"I love you a bunch." I giggle and lean into his shoulder with my head.

"Show me," Eric demands.

"What do you mean, show you?"

"Show me how much you love me." Eric's voice is soft and sexy.