Page 37 of Two Doors Down

She nods her head. “I can respect that. If you decide you are ready to move on from her, come back and see me. I will buy you a beer."

"Thanks," I put on my jacket and stand from the booth.

On work mornings, I always stop by the coffee shop a few blocks from Tower 12. I like to start my day off on a positive note with caffeine.

While walking towards the front door, I see Aria walking out of the coffee shop. She seems to have a man with her.

Who is he? How could she move on so quickly after what we had?

I can feel the discontent consume my entire body. The urge to punch this guy in the throat hijacks my thoughts.

Noticing me walking towards the door, Aria stops dead in her tracks. She smiles at me, "Hello, Eric. How are you?"

"Hey Aria," I reply casually.

"Grabbing your usual morning java?" She chuckles.

"Yeah, I see you are as well." I eye the man.

"Eric, this is David. David, this is Eric." Aria introduces us.

"Hey, nice to meet you." I extend my hand for a shake trying to control not taking a swing at him.

"Nice to meet you as well,” David says, shaking my hand.

"You have a great catch on your hands, right there," I claim, nodding at Aria.

"Oh, I know she is. I could not manage without her. She keeps things in balance for me." David smiles, exposing his pearly white perfect teeth.

"Aria has a way about her to do that with men," I snort.

"Yes, she does."

Aria jumps in: "Eric, David is my boss."

"Oh, he is your boss." I look at Aria with embarrassment.

"Did you think Aria was my girlfriend?" David howls.

"Yeah, I did."

"No, no. Aria is my right-hand lawyer. She helps me keep our cases organized. Without her, the courtroom would be mayhem."

"She is good at everything she does." I smile at Aria.

"I assume Aria does not work for you, Eric?"

Laughing I tell him, "You assume correctly, David."

"Eric and I used to date.” Aria interjects abruptly.

"And why are you two not dating now?" David wonders.

"Oh, that is a story that will take three bottles of wine, plus shots," Aria says, giggling nervously.

"This all explains why you have seemed a bit off lately, Aria." David looks at me.

"I am sorry, David. I did not realize my poker face has been showing.” Aria's face turns red.