Page 31 of Two Doors Down


Hot Pink Roses

Iam never one to hide things or keep secrets, especially when it comes to my friends. My feelings for Eric are growing stronger every day, but so is my level of guilt.

Granted, Jenna knows about Eric and me, but she does not know how deep our relationship is becoming. I could spend every day of my life with Eric, making this all so tough. Jenna will have no tolerance for that... or will she?

If Jenna were to see how happy her brother is and how much happier I have become, maybe she would accept this. On the other hand, Jenna is a control freak and always has to make sure things go how she wants.

Either way, it is time for Jenna to know about Eric and my involvement. This situation is not a hookup, nor is it a high school crush. This connection has evolved into a heartfelt passion. I think I am falling in love with Eric, and Jenna needs to know it.

After much thought, I decide to invite Jenna over to my apartment for dinner and spin it as a girl's night. Jenna will most likely explode and say nasty things to me as I break the news to her. I plan to sit her down in my apartment so that people in public will not witness the blow-up. When the time is right, the truth will come out

Carefully, I concoct a text message to Jenna inviting her over for Friday evening at my place. Jenna responds she will attend.

Now, the logistics come into play as to what to fix for dinner, drinks, along with the most crucial detail of shifting into a conversation about Eric and me with Jenna.

After two days of planning (which felt like two weeks due to my edginess), Friday arrives, and Jenna will be arriving at my apartment in the next few minutes.

My doorbell rings, and knowing who is standing on the other side of the door makes my stomach flip.

"Hey Jenna, come on in." I open the door.

"Hey, I brought a bottle of wine for us." Jenna extends her arm, giving me a bottle of merlot.

"Awesome, this will go great with the lamb I have in the oven!"

"Oh, lamb? This must be a special occasion?" Jenna smirks.

"No, lamb sounded good, and we have not had girl time in a while, so why not?"

"Whatever you say, Aria." Jenna seems off.

I pour each of us a glass of the wine Jenna brought over, and we sit down at my dining room table and begin with light chit-chat.

Jenna tells me about how she and her hubby Michael are planning to have a child in the next year or so, and of course, my response is complete elation.

Her news is a great segue for me to lay on the truth about her brother and me.

"You know Jenna, I would love to have a child in the next few years. I have always wanted at least two or three. I am so excited for you and Michael!"

"Well first we need to find you a man who can get you pregnant," Jenna says lightly.

"Funny you mention that," I giggle. "I think I have found the man I want to be with forever."

"Oh really? Who is he?" Jenna's face tightens.

"I think you know who it is."

"Please tell me you are not referring to my brother?" Jenna says quietly.

"I am referring to Eric. He and I have a real connection. I think I am falling in love with him."

Jenna abruptly stands up from the table, "You know how this makes me feel! How dare you!"

"Jenna, listen to me. I cannot lie to you or keep things hidden anymore. That is why I am telling you now. I want things out in the open."

"You two have been sneaking around behind my back, is that the case?" Jenna screams.