Page 8 of Apt 2E

“I think I should go,” Zeke said as he rested his hand against the door frame.

I removed my coat and hung it on the hook in the hallway, “I thought you wanted to see my apartment and get some decorating ideas.”

He swallowed, “Oh, I have quite a few ideas right now, but none of them are about decorating my apartment.”

The alcohol made me daring, and I stepped toward him, “What kind of ideas would that be if it isn’t about decorating?”

“The kind where you are standing there with only your boots on, and I’m making you scream my name as I take you from behind.”

My knees went weak, and I shuffled back a step, throwing my arm out to the side to gain balance by holding onto the wall, “Oh!” We stared at one another. “Probably not a good idea for you to come in then.”

He shook his head slow and dramatically, “No, I don’t think so.”

I lifted my chin, stepped forward, and took hold of the door. “You are right. I’ll say goodnight to you then, Zeke Waters, and now I am going to close my door, get naked and use my vibrator.” I started to shut the door, and his hand shot out. His palm was flat over the metal of the door as he stared at me.

“Did you really just tell me that you were going to get your vibrator out?”

“I did. Do you have a problem with a woman using a vibrator to pleasure herself?”

He groaned as his chin dropped to his chest. I watched him inhale deeply and then release it before he lifted eyes that were so full of desire that I almost yanked him inside.

“I most certainly do not have a problem with that, Shelby, but I kind of prefer to be there watching a woman when she does that sort of thing.” He pushed the door back slightly and stepped in so that we were almost chest to chest. “I like to watch a woman pleasure herself. There is nothing hotter than watching a woman fuck herself, especially if she’s thinking of you.” He paused. “Are you going to be thinking of me, Shelby?”

I lifted my chin, “Do you want me to?”

“You fucking know that I do. I want you to think about me.” His hand lifted, and he ran a finger lightly over my cheek, “I want you to wonder what my hands would do to your body, what my mouth would feel like as it ran over your skin. What my tongue would be like as it licked you from back to front.”

I swallowed, my entire body vibrating with sexual tension as we stared at one another. Zeke leaned forward, his mouth coming dangerously close to mine—so close that I could feel his warm breath brushing over my lips.

“Will you do that for me, Shelby? Will you think about me when you get yourself off tonight? I know I’ll be thinking about you when I stroke my cock later. I’ll be wishing it was your hand or that sexy little mouth.” He dropped his hand from my chin down to my collar bone and slowly drew a line down my chest, barely touching my breast as he took the tip of his finger and circled my swollen nipple. “Will you?”

I wanted to tell him that I’d do anything for him, but words were escaping me at the moment. When I didn’t answer, Zeke took my nipple between his thumb and finger and pulled slightly, “Will you, Shelby? Tell me that you’ll think about me when you fuck yourself tonight.”

He squeezed my nipple, and my knees practically gave out under me, “Yes!” The word rushed from my lips as I closed my eyes at the unexpected onslaught of desire that ran through me. “Yes, I’ll think of you.”

“Good, baby.” He shifted to the side, brushing his lips over my cheek, “You think of me, and I’ll be thinking of you.” He cupped my breast his hand, squeezing it gently as he kissed my cheek one more time.

Then he stepped back, and his hands went to the pockets of his coat. “Night, Shelby. Sweet dreams, baby.”

Before I could even reply, Zeke strode off, and I watched him disappear around the corner to the elevator.

I heard the bing of the elevator, and I closed the door and rested my forehead against it. Holy crap, why did I let that man walk away?

I banged my head twice. Oh, yeah, because he was my best friend's boyfriend. A tortured growl left my throat as I turned and kicked off my shoes and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Would I have drug him in if he wasn't with Diane?

There was no doubt that I would have. I frowned. If I had invited him in, would he have come? What about Diane? Would he have cheated on her? That thought pissed me off. Maybe he was more like I initially thought, and he was just after sex with any woman that would give it to him. But if that were the case, he could have had me tonight—maybe—okay, yes!

Feeling more frustrated than just sexually, I pulled out my computer and opened it up. So much for getting myself off the minute that I got home. Now that I thought about it, that was the last thing I would do. What a horrible friend I was even to suggest such a thing.

I spent thirty minutes on my computer, and by the time I finished, my buzz was waning, and the intense sexual desire that I’d felt earlier was just a blip in my memory banks.

At least until the lights were off, and I was lying under the covers. Then the memory of Zeke’s words, the feel of his hand, the desire in his eyes slammed back over me. I tried to tune them out, but after fifteen minutes of tossing and turnings, I finally pulled my expensive vibrator out of my side drawer and turned it on.

I told myself I wasn’t going to think of Zeke while I used it. I would think of any other man I had been with, but as I inserted it deep within me and rolled my nipple between the fingers of my other hand and I could see nothing in my mind but Zeke.

His dark blue eyes were staring down at me. The plume of smoke from his lips in the cold was brushing over my skin. His fingers were pinching my nipples, and his words were coaxing me on.

It didn’t take long before I was arching my head back and biting my bottom lip to hold back the moans. When the first one finished, I thought to get up and clean my toy, but I didn’t. Instead, I rose on my knees and inserted it again, imagining that I was riding his hips and his hard cock was deep inside of me.

I ended up giving myself three orgasms before I was satisfied, each one better than the one before and each one with the fantasy image of Zeke taking me over the top.

I was a lousy friend, a horrible friend, but damn if I didn’t sleep well that night.