Page 40 of Apt 2E

She leaned forward, her eyes wide, “I need you to explain to me what in the hell happened with Zeke?”

There was no anger in her words, only excitement to hear the details. “I’m so sorry about that. I never meant for it to happen.”

“I know you didn’t, and to be quite honest, I almost feel like I introduced you two because I knew you would hit it off.”


“Well, I was already involved with Doug, and I wasn’t sure what to do about Zeke. I knew I needed to break it off, but he was such a nice guy. I think deep down, I knew that you two would like one another.”

I laughed, “You know that you could have made it a lot easier on all of us if you had just told us you were seeing someone else.”

“I know! I know, and I’m sorry!”

“Fine, I will forgive you if you will forgive me.”

She put her hand over mine and squeezed it. “Girl, you have nothing to be sorry for.”

* * *

On Friday morning, I woke up excited to see what the night would bring. I had told Diane everything that had happened between Zeke and me, and she had said that while they had a decent relationship, there had never been those kinds of sparks between them. At the end of the night, she had hugged me tightly again and told me to grab ahold of him and not let go. That meant more to me than she could realize.

I was getting ready to leave when I noticed a note slipped under my door. I grinned as I picked it up and unfolded it.

You are cordially invited to dinner with your naughty neighbor. Clothing is optional, although black leather high-heeled boots would be a plus. See you are seven sharp.

I giggled to myself as I slipped it into my purse and left for work.

* * *

Istood in front of my full-length mirror at five minutes to seven and surveyed my image. I sure hoped Zeke liked what he saw when he opened the door. I had pulled out all the stops.

Butterflies were flying on hyperspeed as I gathered my keys and phone and let myself out of the door. As I walked the length of our hallway, I hoped that no one else exited their apartment because the show I was giving was only for one man. Of course, if he didn’t have curtains yet, someone else might be getting the entire show too.

That thought thrilled me slightly, and a strangled laugh left my throat as I stopped in front of Zeke’s door. What was he going to think of this? Would he think I was a slut? Would he laugh? Or would he forget about dinner and eat me instead?

Personally, I was voting for the third option.

My shaking hand hovered close to the door, then I closed my eyes, gathered my courage, and knocked. I almost bolted back to my apartment as soon as I did, but something kept me there. Man, was I glad I stayed.

Zeke pulled back the door, and his eyes almost popped out of his head. He was wearing dark gray slacks and a black button-down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, and his neatly combed hair was still slightly wet from a shower.

Zeke stared down the length of me, and his eyes traveled in slow motion back up. I knew the moment he realized my dress was see-through because a deep moan left his throat.

His eyes flashed to mine, the dark blue so heated that I almost began to pant in need. His words were so husky when he spoke that he sounded as if he had just woken up. “Come in.”

I stepped past him, casually brushing my shoulder across his chest as I did. “Fuck me,” I heard him murmur under his breath, and I smiled to myself and answered inside my head, Oh, I plan to.

He cleared his throat and then stepped around me and went into the kitchen after closing the door. “Wine?”


He began to pour two glasses, and I held onto the edge of the counter to try and control the shaking in my hands. His gaze jumped from the glass to my chest and back a few times.

“How did it go last night?” He asked as he pushed the glass toward me over the counter.

“We had a very nice time.”

He lifted his dark blue eyes to my face, “And did you two get everything squared away?”