Page 2 of Apt 2E

“He’s not, but he has an ulterior motive for meeting you.”

I waited for her to continue, but she was screwing around with her phone again. “What is the ulterior motive?” I finally asked with a sigh.

“What?” She peered at me, then looked back to the door, and I rolled my eyes.

“Diane,” I reached out and put my hand on her wrist to get her attention. “What is the ulterior motive for meeting me?”

She finally gave me her attention, “He has a new apartment, and I talked him into having you work on it for him.”

“What?” I barked as I leaned back slightly on my stool. “You should have asked me first. I don’t have time to take on any new clients!”

Diane leaned forward, grabbing my hand as I pulled it back. “Please, Shelby! I know he will be super easy to work with. It would mean so much to me. I like this guy, Shelby. He’s incredible, and I know you two would totally get along. Besides, I have a feeling this could be it.”

“It? As in what?” I regarded her with curiosity.

“As in the one.” She sighed, a dreamy look descending over her features, “I swear, the man turns me to jelly with one look, and the way he kisses—it makes my entire body burn. Just wait until you see him.”

“Just because a guy is attractive and good in bed does not make him keeper material.”

“I know, but wait till you meet him, Shel. I bet you will take one look at him and tell me to hold on as tight as I can. He’s got a great job, he’s attractive, and the sex is great. What else could you want?”

“But does he listen to you? Does he talk to you?”

She scrunched up her face, “Of course, he talks to me!”

I waved a hand at her. “I know he talks to you, but does he talk to you about serious stuff, and does he listen to you when you talk?”

“Yeah.” She said slightly indignantly as she shifted back from the table, and I had to wonder what was going through her mind. Most handsome men were out for one thing: sex. They didn’t want to talk, and they only listened if it would get them laid.

Not that I had anything against getting laid or having one-night stands. I was all for satisfaction without commitment. As busy as life was, I didn’t have time for anything else. I was lucky to find the time and energy to have sex every couple of weeks.

My groin tightened as I realized just how long it had been since I had taken the time. Perhaps after Zeke arrived, the two of them would head out, and I could make my way over to the bar and check out the beefcake that had sent the drink.

“Oh! He’s already here.” She said excitedly and then looked over my shoulder toward the bar. “There he is.” She leaned closer to me, “You are going to love him!”

I watched her face as she stared at him, her brown eyes sparkled, and she tucked her bottom lip under her teeth as she tried to hold a smile back. When was the last time that I had looked at a man like that? I sure hoped the guy was worth it—and her. She deserved a little happiness in her life.

The server arrived on my left, and I finished my drink and pushed the two empty glasses toward her as she set the fresh ones down. I saw someone stop by the table on the other side from the corner of my eye.

I glanced and then did a double-take when I realized it was the man from the bar. My eyes shot to Diane, and she was staring up at the man like he was a gift from heaven. Well, shit!

“Hey, handsome,” Diane cooed toward him. “I didn’t realize you were already here.”

“Yeah, I came early to have a drink with Josh.”

“Oh, is he still here?” She looked past him to the bar.


“You should invite him over. Isn’t he single? We could introduce him to Shelby.” At that, they both turned to me, and I tried not to glare at Zeke. Had he known who I was when he sent that drink? Or was he just lining up something in case Diane didn’t show? Men were such pigs!

Zeke stuck his hand out, “Hi, Shelby. I’m Zeke Waters. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I was tempted to snub him, but I wouldn’t do that to Diane. So I stared into his dark blue eyes as I put my hand into his. An attractive smile graced his mouth as the warmth of his hand traveled right up my arm and straight into my chest. Man, did he have to have sexy bedroom eyes? I immediately reminded myself that this man was here with Diane and not someone I should notice.

“Shelby Whitemore and I have heard about you also,” I told him and quickly pulled my hand back and wrapped it around the glass. I lifted my gaze to Diane and could tell that Zeke was still staring at me. I shifted my eyes toward him, widening them in question and his smile grew wider.

“Diane tells me that you’re an interior designer.”