Page 26 of Time Exposure

“Of course, you can stay with me, man. I’d never leave you on the streets. When do you think you’ll get here?” Micah asks.

Not sure why I was worried, but I am so relieved he said yes to me staying at his place until I buy a new house. Micah and I have known each other almost twenty years, but I had my doubts about him agreeing to let me stay. He may be my best and longtime friend, but how he acted around Cora while I was in Florida had me antsy to hear his response. The fact he said yes alleviates another concern.

“Maybe in the next few days or so. The house is under contract and I’ll know more tomorrow or the next day. Is it cool if I ship some boxes and my car to your place?”

“Sure thing. Whatever you need. Mi casa es su casa. Just let me know when they’ll be here, so I’m home when they arrive.”

The sale of my California house is moving much quicker than anticipated. And I took it as yet another sign. The cosmos are rooting for me—for me and Cora. The stars aligning invigorates me, has me doing things at maximum speed. If the forward momentum continues at this pace, I will be back in Florida within a week. Hopefully sooner. Fixing things with Cora can’t happen fast enough. Being with her again, especially.

“Thanks, bro. I’ll shoot you a text with the shipping info. For now, I’m only sending clothes and necessities. When I find a place, I’ll have everything else shipped.”

Micah and I talk for a few more minutes, catching up on other things. After we hang up, I go into beast mode. By the end of the day, ninety percent of my house is packed into boxes. Lucky for me, I have never been a packrat. By no means am I a minimalist, but over the years I had no desire to fill my house with endless knickknacks. I suppose I always knew I would pack things up.

I call the shipping company and set up a time to have the boxes and my car picked up. After, I set up for the remaining boxes and furniture to be shipped to my mom’s house. When I told her how quick things were progressing with the sale of my house, she offered her unused two-car garage as storage space.

Everything came together with ease. How can I not believe in fate? Everything continues to line up for us to be together again. If it isn’t divinity, I don’t know what it is.

But as I lay awake in bed, I question how I will fix things with Cora. As smooth as things are going, a twinge of doubt lingers in the back of my mind. It taunts me and has uncertainty creeping in my veins.

What if she rejects me? Although the chemistry between us is more than obvious, I hurt her. More than once. Hurt like that doesn’t just vanish. What if she doesn’t forgive me? The possibility lingers in my thoughts and gnaws at my heart. Because as much as I have done to prove my promise to Cora, the possibility of her not letting me back in still stands. Which begs the question…

What if all this is for nothing?