“I’ll talk to him.”

She places her hand on my forearm as I turn into her complex. “Please, don’t. You going to bat for me is just going to make things worse and invite questions. This is my job on the line, Maddox. I can handle Liam.”

“Fuck. Okay. But it pisses me off that he’s acting this way. I saw it the first time he met you. And I’m pretty sure his reservations and irritations with you are of the sexist variety.”

“Well, don’t worry. I’ve never let the fact that I have a vagina keep me from doing anything in my life, particularly proving someone wrong.”

Laughing, I shift my truck into park and then turn to her. “Don’t beat around the bush with how you really feel.”

“Was that supposed to be a vagina pun?”


“Well, this bush is trimmed to perfection and ready for some action. Care to check out my landscaping job?”

I yank her to me by the neck, hovering my lips over hers. “Show me your lady garden, Penelope.”

She laughs. “I’ve actually used that phrase to describe it before. The girls said it was disturbing.” She tilts her head. “And now that I’ve heard it from someone else, I think I’d have to agree.”

I press a kiss to her lips, and then we exit my truck. Once we get back inside her house, she leads me to her room, pushes me down on the edge of her bed, and then backs away slowly.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, since you pulled out all the stops earlier to make me feel special, I thought I’d return the favor.”

“I’m listening...”

“You’re not the only one who listens, Maddox.” She winks and then heads for her closet. “I’ll be right back.”

My dick is already straining against my shorts from our little conversation in my truck. But as I sit here, waiting for Penelope to return, I don’t know how I will ever learn to control myself around this woman.

After what feels like forever, the door to her walk-in closet slowly opens, and she appears before me, bare-legged and wearing only a football jersey—mynew jersey for the Los Angeles Bolts.

Jesus fuck.

Running my hand down my face, I gasp and then groan at the sight of her, her torso covered in the purple-and-yellow colors of the team. “Holy shit.”

“You like?” She spins around so I can see the back: my last name over the number nine. And I swear I might ask her to marry me this very second. This sight—I never want to forget this.

“Um, yeah. You could say that.” I reach down to adjust myself, feeling pre-cum drip out of the tip of my dick.

Giggling, she turns back to face me and then saunters over to where I’m sitting, looking fucking delectable and so goddamn sexy that I’m barely holding it together. She straddles me and brushes my hair from my face. “You’re not the only one who listens,” she says.

“What do you mean?”

“That day in my office before Liam got there during one of our first meetings. You made a comment about how seeing me in your jersey and nothing but your jersey would be a fantasy of yours.”

“Hmm, I did.” I run my hands up her bare thighs to her hips, finding her completely naked under this thing.

“At the time, I thought you were delusional for thinking that might ever happen. But obviously, I was a fool for thinking I’d be able to resist you.”

“The feeling is mutual, Pen. The moment I saw you again, I just...” I trail off, trying to think of a way to get her to understand how drawn to her I was. But I just can’t explain it. It was one of those gut feelings that a person just can’t ignore.

She lifts my chin and looks down at me. “I need you to fuck me, Maddox. Please.”

Burying my hand in her hair, I tilt her head back and lick up the column of her neck, nibbling as I go. “Say that again.”

“Fuck me, Maddox.”