“Uh, thanks,” Maddox replies, darting his eyes to me for a second then back to Jeffrey, who’s standing stock-still like if he moves, he might fall over.

“Next up for the awkward introductions is Nick. This is Amelia’s brother.”

Nick steps forward. “Holy shit, man. It’s an honor to meet you, truly. I’ve followed your entire career. You’re a legend, and I’m so stoked to see what you do with the Bolts this year.”

“Thanks, man. That means a lot. I’m optimistic with our offensive line so far, for sure.”

“And this is Damien.” I gesture to Damien as he steps forward and shakes Maddox’s hand.

“Say, Maddox? What are you doing on June 21st?”

“Uh?” He looks over at me for help, but all I do is shrug. “Nothing for sure yet. Why?”

“How would you like to attend my wedding?”

“Oh my God, Damien! You have to stop inviting people to the wedding! Our caterer is going to kill us!” Charlotte stomps up to the group at that very minute to berate her fiancé.

“Aw, come on, babe. It’s Maddox Taylor!” He points to where Maddox is standing now, Hayden and Vince behind him just smiling as they watch my friends fangirl over him. “Who else can say that they’ve had a professional NFL player at their wedding?”

“Lots of people, I’m sure.” She turns to Maddox and waves. “Hi, Maddox. It’s nice to meet you. And please forgive my fiancé. He was dropped on his head one too many times as a child.”

Maddox laughs. “No problem. But I mean, if you’re okay with it, I’d really like to attend. It’s not every day you get invited to someone’s wedding the second you meet them.”

Charlotte’s mouth drops open. “Really?”

“Um, Charlotte,” I interrupt. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea...”

Maddox raises an eyebrow at me. “Really, Penelope? I mean, could you imagine the positive press this could bring for the team?” The inflection of his voice tells me he’s got ulterior motives for accepting this invitation. “Maddox Taylor and crew attending a wedding for some good friends? I don’t see how you can say no to that.”

Amelia snickers behind me. “He has a point, Pen.”

“Maddox Taylor is going to the wedding!” Jeffrey screams and then covers his mouth. “Sorry. Oh God, I just sounded like a teenage girl right then, didn’t I?”

Damien nods and slaps him on the back. “A perfect impersonation. But I’m glad you did it first so I could hold mine in.” He shakes Jeffrey by the shoulders and then jumps up and down. “Maddox Taylor and other players from the Bolts are going to be at my wedding, man! I think I might cry!”

Maddox lets out a hearty laugh. “The pleasure is all mine. In fact, let me introduce you to Vince Dayton and Hayden Palomar.” He waves the boys closer. “These two are my right-hand men on the field, and I’d love it if they could come, too.”

Charlotte sighs and then smiles back at Damien. “I mean, I guess I can’t say no at this point. But just you three, all right?” She points at them. “I can’t ask my caterer to feed fifty giant men on top of our two-hundred guests. Plus, our venue isn’t big enough to fit an entire football team.”

Maddox nods. “Fair enough.”

My heart is racing knowing that the man I’m dating secretly will be at their wedding now, and I’ll have to fight to pretend there’s nothing going on with us in front of my friends. This just gotwaymore complicated.

Then I realize Ethan has been standing there this entire time saying absolutely nothing. I turn to him as Amelia does the same.

“Ethan? Babe? Are you okay?” Amelia asks.

He nods. “Yup.”

I move closer to him. “Oh my God, Ethan? Are you nervous about meeting the team?”

He shakes his head and pretends he’s not freaking out inside. “No...”

“Aw, you are, aren’t you?” I lean in closer and lower my voice. “You can admit it. It’s okay. I don’t think any less of you.” Amelia giggles beside me, enjoying how I’m teasing him right now.

For such a serious guy, one who was just giving the other guys shit for how they were acting, I find watching him freeze at the thought of meeting professional football players extremely entertaining. I know Ethan loves the sport, so this is blowing my mind right now.

“I just...” He lowers his voice. “Jesus, this is so fucking cool. I mean, I feel like Oliver right now—what I wouldn’t have given to meet guys like this when I was his age. And here they are.” He puts his hand out toward them. “Just standing in front of me, acting like normal people.”