“Charming, huh?”

I clear my throat as I place my glass back on the table. “I may have used that word to describe you.”

“To whom?”

“My mom.”

“Wow. You’re already talking to your mom about me? I think this is moving a lot faster than you’re aware of.”

“Easy, Maddox. I didn’t name you for obvious reasons. But I did tell her that I was...talkingto someone.”

“Well, I’m honored to be the guy you’re choosing to talk to, Penelope. Honestly, I’m getting a little addicted to the sound of your voice and the sarcasm that accompanies it.”

Shaking my head, I laugh. “Well, you’d better get used to it because I majored in public relations and communication, but I minored in sarcasm.”

He laughs. “Good to know. So why PR, Penelope?”

“Well, it just seemed like the natural career choice for me. I was always involved in leadership classes in school, and I helped organize events in high school and college, particularly in my sorority. I have a knack for organization and being in charge, so I took my strengths and made a career out of it. What about you? Why football?”

The question seemed like the logical one to reciprocate with, but the thought of his answer makes me nervous. I’ve been down this road before with someone who loved the game and had a dream—and I watched that dream shatter in a matter of moments.

“What little boy who plays football doesn’t dream of making it to the NFL one day? Plus, you could say I had a bit of a man crush on Troy Aikman, the QB for the Cowboys in the nineties, so I just made up my mind that I wanted to be like him, and I worked my ass off to make it happen.”

“That’s... cute.”


“I mean, I’m just envisioning you as a little boy staring up at a poster of Troy Aikman on your ceiling, giving yourself a pep talk about how you’re going to be better than him one day.” The image does make me smile. “It’s adorable.”

“Did you have video cameras in my room back then that I don’t know about?” I laugh even harder, but he continues talking. “The truth is, I kind of looked at football like you did your career. I found something I was good at, something that required talent but tenacity as well, and I knew that if I didn’t at least try to make it, I would regret it. But you know what the best part was about making it to the NFL, Pen?”

“What?” I whisper now, becoming anxious about his answer because the intent in his voice changed. This is no longer a joke, and his sincerity is shining through.

“Paying off my parents’ house the first year.”


“After everything they did for me growing up—the sacrifices, the practices, the traveling, and everything in between—that was the moment that made it all worth it.”

“Maddox... that’s...”

“That’s me, Pen. I’m just a normal guy from a small town in Texas who is lucky enough to play football for a living. My life isn’t perfect. I’ve got scars and regrets just like everyone else, but I also know how blessed I am, and I try not to forget that like I told you earlier today.”

“I’m in awe.”

“You know what the second-best part about being in the NFL is?”


“That it led me to you.”

Instantly, I’m speechless. I honestly have no words.

“You don’t have to say anything to that. I know it may sound a little strong, but like I also said earlier—I know this thing between us is worth the time and energy. And I promise I’m going to prove that to you.”


He chuckles. “I’m gonna change the subject now so you don’t hang up on me, but I’m not done getting you to see that I’m being honest about wanting you, Pen.”